20Q Game 32

Unrelated, I’m a little drunk I think.

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Related, and suggestional, the great flood. The parting of the Red Seas. Things happening, and stuffs.

Is this event written about in the Bible?

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Is suggestional actually a word? TIL.

Seriously, that’s the second time this week I tried to make up a stupid word and it turned out to be real. I think Oddie’s Jeopardy-gene is wearing off on me or something.

Q ID Question y/n
1 JFG Is it mentally conjured/an idea/principle (e.g., freedom, compassion, language)? No
2 YankeeTripper Is it an Eldritch Horror? Since you used capital letters . . . No
3 JFG Is it a natural phenomenon? No
4 Lucy Is it a person[-like entity]? No
5 YankeeTripper Is it mythological, fantastical or [in a] similar vein? Yes
6 John.S.Mill Did the myth/fantasy/story involving this thing exist 500 years ago? Yes
7 Lucy Is the thing a story? No*
8 YankeeTripper Is it some kind of creature? No
9 MayanActuary Is it an event (e.g., the resurrection, immaculate conception, creation of the world, epic battle, etc.)? Yes
10 MayanActuary Is this event written about in the Bible? Not really
*** Clue 1 This is a specific event ***
11 ? ??? y/n

*But it is mentioned in stories.

Clues given after the 10th, 15th, and 19th question.

Oooh, it’s the destruction of Atlantis, aka the volcanic eruption on Thera, then the heart of the Minoan civilization.

Which might be related to the plagues and the parting of the red sea in Exodus.

Except… not a natural phenomenon.


does the event involve more than 1000 people

Q ID Question y/n
1 JFG Is it mentally conjured/an idea/principle (e.g., freedom, compassion, language)? No
2 YankeeTripper Is it an Eldritch Horror? Since you used capital letters . . . No
3 JFG Is it a natural phenomenon? No
4 Lucy Is it a person[-like entity]? No
5 YankeeTripper Is it mythological, fantastical or [in a] similar vein? Yes
6 John.S.Mill Did the myth/fantasy/story involving this thing exist 500 years ago? Yes
7 Lucy Is the thing a story? No*
8 YankeeTripper Is it some kind of creature? No
9 MayanActuary Is it an event (e.g., the resurrection, immaculate conception, creation of the world, epic battle, etc.)? Yes
10 MayanActuary Is this event written about in the Bible? Not really
*** Clue 1 This is a specific event ***
11 John.S.Mill Does the event involve more than 1,000 people? Most likely
12 ? ??? y/n

*But it is mentioned in stories.

Clues given after the 10th, 15th, and 19th question.

hmmmmmmm would the flood be a natural phenomenon? or a supernatural one?

or something of that type, since it’s not in the bible

there is a flood in the epic of gilgamesh… I think.

“Not really written about in the bible” is driving me bonkers here.

There’s like 50 known flood myths, because if it’s one thing gods like to do, it’s kill everybody with bad weather. “Non-biblical flood myth” would count as “not really in the bible” but also would be cheap imo.

I think something that happened randomly vaguely sort of in the background of the bible might be a good idea. Only I don’t know my bible.

That’s why I liked the eruption of Thera, because it’s sort of alluded to in the Bible, as it’s probably the event that inspired the plague stories in Exodus. But it’s too much a natural phenomenon.

why did it erupt though? was it due to supernatural forces?

VA’s brain is beyond my interpretation at this point so I take everything with a grain of salt.

Would a question narrowing down timeframe help?

So tempted to view this as a question to me . . .

you just want to give out freebie clues don’t you
