20Q Game 26

I have something in mind…

Is it bigger than a breadbox?

  1. (MH) Is it bigger than a breadbox? Yes

Is it man-made?

  1. (MH) Is it bigger than a breadbox? Yes
  2. (Lucy) Is it man-made? Yes

Is it attached to the earth?

  1. (MH) Is it bigger than a breadbox? Yes
  2. (Lucy) Is it man-made? Yes
  3. (MH) Is it attached to the earth? No

Is it larger than a 2004 Ford Focus?

  1. (MH) Is it bigger than a breadbox? Yes
  2. (Lucy) Is it man-made? Yes
  3. (MH) Is it attached to the earth? No
  4. (MA) Is it larger than a 2004 Ford Focus? Yes

Is it a vehicle?

  1. (MH) Is it bigger than a breadbox? Yes
  2. (Lucy) Is it man-made? Yes
  3. (MH) Is it attached to the earth? No
  4. (MA) Is it larger than a 2004 Ford Focus? Yes
  5. (Lucy) Is it a vehicle? Yes

Does it travel on land?

This one seems to be going a bit better than the last one.

Does it commonly carry more than 9 people?

  1. (MH) Is it bigger than a breadbox? Yes
  2. (Lucy) Is it man-made? Yes
  3. (MH) Is it attached to the earth? No
  4. (MA) Is it larger than a 2004 Ford Focus? Yes
  5. (Lucy) Is it a vehicle? Yes
  6. (MH) Does it travel on land? No

Do you still want to use this question knowing the answer to ma’s question?

Yes, it differentiates between cruise ships and waterskiing boats, and between the space station and the moon launch.

  1. (MH) Is it bigger than a breadbox? Yes
  2. (Lucy) Is it man-made? Yes
  3. (MH) Is it attached to the earth? No
  4. (MA) Is it larger than a 2004 Ford Focus? Yes
  5. (Lucy) Is it a vehicle? Yes
  6. (MH) Does it travel on land? No
  7. (Lucy) Does it commonly carry more than 9 people? No

I thought it would be harder, but it isn’t over yet!

Does the vehicle transport people?