20Q Game 22

The micro chip you get implanted when you get the vaccine? Yeah I think we were all thinking that based on his Apple answer


a prince albert

Q# Poster Question Answer
1 A_Student Is it organic? No
2 Lucy Is it man-made? Yes
3 MayanActuary Is it typically found indoors? Yes
4 John.S.Mill Does it have a smell (odor)? No
5 A_Student Is it bigger than a men’s size 12 shoe box? No
6 MayanActuary Does it use electricity? No
7 soyleche Does it weigh more than an apple? Hell NO!
8 twig93 Is it made primarily of metal? No
9 ?? — y/n

well there goes the prince albert


Would a typical house have at least one of these?

Q# Poster Question Answer
1 A_Student Is it organic? No
2 Lucy Is it man-made? Yes
3 MayanActuary Is it typically found indoors? Yes
4 John.S.Mill Does it have a smell (odor)? No
5 A_Student Is it bigger than a men’s size 12 shoe box? No
6 MayanActuary Does it use electricity? No
7 soyleche Does it weigh more than an apple? Hell NO!
8 twig93 Is it made primarily of metal? No
9 twig93 Would a typical house have at least one of these? Yes*
10 ?? — y/n

*But not in the way that you’re likely asking.

Clue forthcoming after the 10th question; with another after the 15th and 19th questions as well.

I wonder if VA considered plastic to be organic. By chemical nomenclature, it is. But it’s not by some other common definitions.

7 seems to indicate it’s something really light. probably the vaccine (we wish we had it in a typical house) :frowning:

I’m curious why #7 got a “Hell No!” while #5 just got a regular “No”.

Don’t want to read too much into that though.

I’m also curious about the answer to 9. A house has one, but not in the way you are thinking?

Official: Does it stay put while in use?

If it’s not something that people “use”, just answer if it typically stays in one place.
If it is something that’s used: A light switch or a water tap or a toothbrush or a cooking knife stay put, in that they typically don’t move much from their “home” even if they move a little in space. Whereas a bow tie or a cell phone or a tea mug (at least, my tea mug) or a hair pin or a study manual travel around the house, or farther, when they are being used.

maybe it’s methane.

nvm. it’s not man made I don’t think.

And while odorless, we do add a smell to it.

Q# Poster Question Answer
1 A_Student Is it organic? No
2 Lucy Is it man-made? Yes
3 MayanActuary Is it typically found indoors? Yes
4 John.S.Mill Does it have a smell (odor)? No
5 A_Student Is it bigger than a men’s size 12 shoe box? No
6 MayanActuary Does it use electricity? No
7 soyleche Does it weigh more than an apple? Hell NO!
8 twig93 Is it made primarily of metal? No
9 twig93 Would a typical house have at least one of these? Yes*
10 Lucy Does it stay put while in use? Yes
** ** Clue: It's not a physical object. **
11 ?? — y/n

*But not in the way that you’re likely asking.

Next clue forthcoming after the after the 15th and 19th questions as well.

er…what? Ambiance?

Something like a “dream”? I don’t know why I put that in quotes. An “idea”? Unofficials

Is it in a person’s body? official

Q# Poster Question Answer
1 A_Student Is it organic? No
2 Lucy Is it man-made? Yes
3 MayanActuary Is it typically found indoors? Yes
4 John.S.Mill Does it have a smell (odor)? No
5 A_Student Is it bigger than a men’s size 12 shoe box? No
6 MayanActuary Does it use electricity? No
7 soyleche Does it weigh more than an apple? Hell NO!
8 twig93 Is it made primarily of metal? No
9 twig93 Would a typical house have at least one of these? Yes*
10 Lucy Does it stay put while in use? Yes
** ** Clue: It's not a physical object. **
11 A_Student Is it in a person’s body? Yes, in a manner of speaking (see Q9 for example)
12 ?? — y/n

*But not in the way that you’re likely asking.

Next clue forthcoming after the after the 15th and 19th questions as well.

Can it be seen?

It’s ambiance.

But I won’t guess.

Q# Poster Question Answer
1 A_Student Is it organic? No
2 Lucy Is it man-made? Yes
3 MayanActuary Is it typically found indoors? Yes
4 John.S.Mill Does it have a smell (odor)? No
5 A_Student Is it bigger than a men’s size 12 shoe box? No
6 MayanActuary Does it use electricity? No
7 soyleche Does it weigh more than an apple? Hell NO!
8 twig93 Is it made primarily of metal? No
9 twig93 Would a typical house have at least one of these? Yes*
10 Lucy Does it stay put while in use? Yes
** ************ Clue: It's not a physical object. **************
11 A_Student Is it in a person’s body? Yes, in a manner of speaking (see Q9 for example)
12 soyleche Can it be seen? Yes, in a manner of speaking (not related to Q9, BTW)
13 ?? — y/n

*But not in the way that you’re likely asking.

Next clue forthcoming after the after the 15th and 19th questions as well.