I don’t recall meeting any of the endorsed candidates. I do know 2 members of the Nominating Committee, and think they would have been fine board members.
I know both Dave Dillon & Amanda Hug
Do you recommend one over the other?
I would rather not
I know Dave Dillon and would vote for him. I don’t know Amanda Hug.
I’ll probably vote for her just because of the name!
Also, I understand from decades of observation that the SOA President doesn’t do a lot. And, a lot doesn’t need to be done (IMO).
Voting is open, closes September 27.
You might know Amanda Hug, but you NEED Amanda Hug.
Email from SOA. Spoilered because of the copious amount of pics.
The Society of Actuaries (SOA) is pleased to announce the results of the 2023 Board of Directors Elections. Five Board members and one President-Elect and Vice-Chair have been elected to serve starting with the 2023–2024 term.
Elected members of the SOA Board of Directors
Sherry Chan
Gabriela Dieguez
FSA 2010, MAAA
Jackie Lee
FSA 2009, MAAA
Daniel Pribe
FSA 2001, MAAA
Ying Zhao
FSA 2006, MAAA
President-Elect and Vice-Chair
Amanda Hug
FSA 2013, MAAA
Amanda Hug , FSA 2013, MAAA, of New York, NYwill serve as the 2023–2024 SOA President-Elect and Vice-Chair. She will be the 76th SOA president.
Hug has served as a member of the SOA Board of Directors, as chair of the Governance and Policy Board Committee and the Task Force for a High Impact Strategic Initiative, chair of the SOA Community Engagement Strategy Working Group, vice-chair of the SOA Leadership & Development Section and as a member of the Strategic Plan Task Force. She is currently a Director at Willis Towers Watson (WTW).
Timothy Rozar, FSA, MAAA, CERA, will serve as SOA president for the 2023–2024 term. John W. Robinson, FSA, FCA, MAAA, will serve as past president for the 2023–2024 term. All elected board members will begin their duties at the 2023 SOA ImpACT Conference.
Past Three Years Vote Count
*The 2021 election cycle took place over two business weeks instead of three as in current and previous elections.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2023 SOA Board of Directors Elections.
Sherry Chan
Gabriela Dieguez
Jackie Lee
Daniel Pribe
Ying Zhao
Amanda Hug
The candidate I did a listening tour video with was elected, I like to believe I played a big role.
i watched the video. can’t vote but golly I wanted to after that
Uh huh.
Because of the cake, right? The cake was awesome. My speaking skills?…not so much.
There was cake?!?!
I was told to pass it down, but then there was none left.
We all need Amanda Hug!