2022 SOA Petition Candidates

Time for SOA politicking!

I will be starting a separate thread for 2022 SOA Board Elections (and also pointing to this thread), but to keep things fairly clear, this thread is for announcing/supporting petition candidates for the SOA Board/P-E positions.

Christine Hofbeck is running a petition candidacy for President-Elect for SOA.

Here is her LinkedIn post:

I will quote:

Hello everyone! I am petitioning to join the 2022 ballot for President-Elect of the Society of Actuaries, and I hope you will help me create this opportunity to give-back to my profession, professional society, and our current & future members. Petition voting opens Thurs 6/30.

Why I’m running:

Most of you know I’ve always been vocal about deeply believing in our great profession. I want to continue to #champion #actuaries and the actuarial profession to remain at the forefront of the most important business decisions and acutely relevant in the marketplace. I want to both promote and improve our unique abilities to provide the right insights based on our training and professional experience. I listen well, lead with charisma, create positive change where it makes sense, and will overall forge us forward into a bright and successful future. I may be considered a somewhat non-traditional candidate—I believe that’s exactly what we need in this changing world.

More inside this spoiler

I’ve enjoyed a successful actuarial career across multiple practice areas in both #insurance and #consulting, providing me a #unique view of multiple member experiences:

:star2: 12 yrs Retirement / Employee Benefits consulting
:star2: 3 yrs General Insurance / P&C
:star2: 3 yrs Group Insurance
:star2: 3 yrs Life consulting & Corporate insurance roles

Previous volunteerism with the #SOA has given me a rich understanding of policies, governance, issues & opportunities, including but not limited to:

:white_check_mark: Board of Directors 2017-2020
:white_check_mark: Secretary/Treasurer, Leadership Team
:white_check_mark: Long-Term Growth strategy development lead
:white_check_mark: Finance Committee
:white_check_mark: Issues Advisory Committee
:white_check_mark: Cultivating Opportunities Committee (Chair)
:white_check_mark: Admissions Committee
:white_check_mark: 2016 Outstanding Volunteer Award recipient
:white_check_mark: Predictive Analytics Advisory Group
:white_check_mark: Development of the Predictive Analytics Certificate Program
:white_check_mark: Contributing editor of The Actuary magazine
:white_check_mark: Research projects oversight (multiple)
:white_check_mark: Exams proctor (multiple)
:white_check_mark: Exams grader (multiple)

My educational background:

:mortar_board: Graduate: MBA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 2016
:mortar_board: Undergraduate: in Mathematics with honors, University of Pennsylvania 1993
:mortar_board: SOA Fellowship 2000
:mortar_board: #EnrolledActuary 1998-2005

I’ll be sharing more in the coming weeks and would love to hear from you as well!

How you can help:

:eight_pointed_black_star: If you are eligible to vote (#FSA / >5yrs #ASA)—please submit a petition vote for me. If you are comfortable with it, please ask your actuarial pals/colleagues to submit their petition votes for me. I appreciate this SO MUCH.

:eight_pointed_black_star: If you are NOT voting eligible you can help too! Liking/commenting on my posts and/or supporting my candidacy to your actuarial colleagues will expand reach. Hugely impactful.

THANK YOU in advance—sometimes it takes a village, this is one of those times. Together we can keep up the value of our GREAT profession!

PS If we are not connected on LinkedIn, please send me a Connect request so we can keep this tide moving forward. :ocean: #ThankYou

I am supporting Christine’s petition candidacy for P-E. (more details later)


I’m a little confused about how to get Christine on the ballot. Thanks for sharing this here; I missed it on other sources.

ETA: OK I just read the SOA email. Looks like we’ll get an email and have an opportunity to respond there.

:bump: I just got my Petition Login Information email from the SOA.

Besides Ms. Hofbeck, is (are) there anyone else seeking petitions to get on the SOA Board of Directors election ballot?

Oh…it looks like I am able to petition for the previously mentioned Ms Hoffbeck or Mr Tom Bakos…and I only get to petition for one of them…and there are no write-in opportunities.

Okay, well, I chose Ms Hoffbeck this time. I hope Mr Bakos also receives enough support from among the commoners.

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From the email I just got from the SOA:

The SOA 2022 Petition Process opens today, June 30. In addition to the traditional path as a Nominating Committee endorsed candidate, nominees can be placed on the SOA Board of Directors election ballot through the SOA petition process. Eligible nominees need to receive 472 petitions to attain a place on the election ballot. Note: Signing a petition in support of any nominee is optional.

Also, please note: The information contained here is not related to the SOA election ballot which opens August 22 and continues through September 9, 2022.

The SOA 2022 petition submission period is open June 30 through July 29, 2022 5 p.m. CDT. The SOA has provided information on the petition process to help members better understand the process overall. This information, and other election details, can be found on the SOA website under Resources tab. Inquiries to petitioners can be sent directly to them using their contact information available in The Actuarial Directory on the SOA website home page.

To submit your petition, please login using your unique credentials:
[my credentials omitted]
Go to:


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If you do not have your ID for voting in the SOA 2022 Petition Process, this is what you can do:

Go here:


Enter your email address the SOA has on file for you, and the information will be emailed to you.

I just tried it out (I had the code, but I figured I’d try it out before giving y’all the instructions), and it works just fine.

I just submitted my petition for Christine Hofbeck, and I’m recommending you do, too! She needs 472 petition submissions to make the ballot.


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I submitted mine as well.

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I’ll probably wait until closer to the end to see if Christine hits the 472 mark and then add my vote for Tom, or vice versa. But the former seems likely given Christine’s promotions.

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How can you tell how many petitions a candidate has?

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The petition candidates are given info twice (maybe three times?) during the process, iirc.

I forget the timing, though. It’s up to the petition candidates whether they want to share that info with other people.

I remember Tom choosing to share in the past. I figured if I didn’t see it shared I would ask. Pretty sure I’m connected with both on LinkedIn.

I’ve supported multiple petition candidates in the past, not only for SOA President-Elect but also for regular Board positions.

I’ve mainly gotten info about how many petition votes the candidates had from the candidates themselves via email in the past, and shared how many more was needed.

I will note that the total needed is dependent on the prior year’s total vote count, and it looks like last year’s vote count must have been pretty low compared to prior years. Looking at my record, prior petition candidates needed over 660 petitions to get nominated, and this year they need “only” 472.

Via here:

The petition candidates will get petition count updates on:


Obviously, 7/29 is the final count, so that’s when they find out if they got nominated.



Just got a message from Chrissy:

I just heard. So close. I’ve got 384 so far, need 472, so just 88 more. I’ll get my next report next Friday 7/22.

So let’s put her over the top! :wink:


Christine’s latest post on LinkedIn:

copied here for convenience


:fire: JUST HEARD! SO CLOSE! :fire: HUGE thank you to everyone supporting my petition run for Society of Actuaries President-Elect! 384 petition votes have been submitted so far. Only need 88 more. WE CAN DO THIS!

Sometimes it takes a village – we are the village!

We are flipping the script.
We are making a difference.
We are in this together.

#WeAreActuaries! :muscle:

If you are an eligible voting member and you haven’t yet petition voted, PLEASE do so! Petition voting is optional and anonymous and takes less than 20 seconds. Petition voting is only open through July 28 so please vote today.

Besides voting, you can also help support my candidacy through likes, comments, and shares of my posts (helping to spread the message), and by encouraging others to submit their votes & voice their support too.
If you’ve already voted, please ask one or two or MANY(!) other eligible voters to vote too. THANK YOU!

:arrow_down: CAN’T FIND YOUR ELECTRONIC BALLOT? :arrow_down:

All eligible SOA voting members should have received an electronic ballot on Thursday 6/30, emailed from #DirectVote. If you do NOT have that email with your login instructions, click the link below, enter your email address on file with the SOA, and petition login information will be emailed to you.


Thank you!

:boom: P.S. If we are not connected here on LinkedIn, please smash that Connect button, I’d love to meet you!

:boom: P.P.S. Next vote count report will come next Friday, 7/22. As always, I’ll continue to keep you all looped in to the process.

#Actuary #Actuaries #SocietyofActuaries #ActuaryStrong #FlipTheScript

And, with the latest update, Chrissy has enough nominations to make the ballot – thanks, y’all!


The only candidate I’m excited about voting for in any election in 2022.