2022 NFL Football Thread

Sadly, He’s probably just the fall guy. I’m sure they’ll fine another who will get athletes back on the field when they shouldn’t.


Hopefully not… they say they’re reviewing the protocol. But it’s certainly possible.

i disagree, i think they have taken it very seriously

I hope you’re right and I’m wrong. guess Im just cynical though.

Probably would have been fired for keeping him off the field. Cuz fuh-baw

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Yeah, this is what i was thinking
He likely had no hurdles to clear to play this week.

Hopefully he doesn’t play for weeks, if not longer.


RGIII tweet

AB showed more D than the Seahawks and Lions did today


I said it here first. Did anyone make any cashola off my prognostication?

AaRoN DoNaLd

How many helmets did he rip off this time?

Probably deserves to be in the “NFL Survivor” thread, but that’s for a different thing.

“Long Concussion” is an oft-ignored consequence.

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“Hey, why can’t I peacefully protest on a publicly-funded field and not get hit by someone twice my size??”

More like, “Hey, when I run out onto the field, one of those guys will flatten me, then I can file a police report and then sue and make big money.”

During basic training, my platoon managed to “procure” a CS gas grenade and ended up throwing it into our drill sergeants’ tent (we were in our bivouac portion of our training). Needless to say, our First Sergeant was not at all happy given that he parked his brand new pickup truck right next to the Drill sergeants’ tent with all the windows down.

The First Sergeant wanted to go on a “witch hunt” and punish the perpetrators; but the Company commander (who was also present in the affected tent, IIRC) denied him that request citing that you assume ALL risks when you take your personal vehicles down range.

The rest of the story

He was allowed to lead PT the next morning which was holding our M-16 rifles (~7 lbs) with our hands held straight out from our bodies (parallel to the ground) for around 30 minutes. After the first minute, our First Sergeant told us that we’d be done if someone would name the perps who gassed the tent.

Only about 4 of us knew who exactly did the deed (I knew, but didn’t do it but was willing to!) and the rest of our platoon knew which 4 knew who did it. However none of us talked. The rest of the company didn’t even know about the event until PT (and yes, they all yelled loudly for the perps–or who knew–to speak up).

Best PT of basic training, IMO.


Seems that the “protestor” will fall prey to the assumption of risks for jumping on the field and evading security.

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One article (or comments on an article) I read suggested that they police report was simply to publicize the protest. And it seems to have worked. Every article I have read about it spells out the group the protester was from and what he was protesting. So he is getting more awareness than he would have without filing the report.

Guess I’m glad I opted to watch my HS alma mater play football on local TV than watch the NFL game on Amazon Prime.

Geez, I was going to not watch any more Prime games, but now I kind of want to see it. Those are some impressively bad stats.

Fry 'em

The allegedly stolen pigs? I approve.

Mmmmmm… bacon…

This was one of the worst NFL games I can remember. Poor QB decision making, turnovers, penalties, and much more! The only winning move was not to watch. I feel for those in the stands or who watched live.