20 Questions Game8

Is it commonly used in the bathroom?

  1. Kerfluffles Is it edible? No
  2. Kerfluffles Is it something you would find in a household? Yes
  3. YankeeTripper Is it bigger than a bread box? No
  4. twig Does it use electricity? No
  5. YankeeTripper Is it a tool of some kind? No
  6. soy Is it a toy? No
  7. Kerfluffles Is it mainly found in the living room? No
  8. Celalta Is it an article of clothing? No
  9. Lucy Is it used for entertainment? No
  10. YT Is it commonly used in the bathroom? No

Would an individual travel with it (prior to Covid of course)?

  1. Kerfluffles Is it edible? No
  2. Kerfluffles Is it something you would find in a household? Yes
  3. YankeeTripper Is it bigger than a bread box? No
  4. twig Does it use electricity? No
  5. YankeeTripper Is it a tool of some kind? No
  6. soy Is it a toy? No
  7. Kerfluffles Is it mainly found in the living room? No
  8. Celalta Is it an article of clothing? No
  9. Lucy Is it used for entertainment? No
  10. YT Is it commonly used in the bathroom? No
  11. Kat Would an individual travel with it? No

welp I’ll throw a clarification in there.
For 5. it’s not a tool in the traditional sense of a tool (scissors, hammer, etc.). I wouldn’t consider a fork a tool.

Is it a common kitchen item?

  1. Kerfluffles Is it edible? No
  2. Kerfluffles Is it something you would find in a household? Yes
  3. YankeeTripper Is it bigger than a bread box? No
  4. twig Does it use electricity? No
  5. YankeeTripper Is it a tool of some kind? No
  6. soy Is it a toy? No
  7. Kerfluffles Is it mainly found in the living room? No
  8. Celalta Is it an article of clothing? No
  9. Lucy Is it used for entertainment? No
  10. YT Is it commonly used in the bathroom? No
  11. Kat Would an individual travel with it? No
  12. YT is it a common kitchen item? Yes…ish*

*ranked by likely places of appearance based on MY experience.

Is it primarily made of metal?

  1. Kerfluffles Is it edible? No
  2. Kerfluffles Is it something you would find in a household? Yes
  3. YankeeTripper Is it bigger than a bread box? No
  4. twig Does it use electricity? No
  5. YankeeTripper Is it a tool of some kind? No
  6. soy Is it a toy? No
  7. Kerfluffles Is it mainly found in the living room? No
  8. Celalta Is it an article of clothing? No
  9. Lucy Is it used for entertainment? No
  10. YT Is it commonly used in the bathroom? No
  11. Kat Would an individual travel with it? No
  12. YT is it a common kitchen item? Yes…ish*
  13. Kat Is it primarily made of metal? No

*ranked by likely places of appearance based on MY experience.

Is it used for cooking or food prep or handling.

Is it used for cleaning?

  1. Kerfluffles Is it edible? No
  2. Kerfluffles Is it something you would find in a household? Yes
  3. YankeeTripper Is it bigger than a bread box? No
  4. twig Does it use electricity? No
  5. YankeeTripper Is it a tool of some kind? No
  6. soy Is it a toy? No
  7. Kerfluffles Is it mainly found in the living room? No
  8. Celalta Is it an article of clothing? No
  9. Lucy Is it used for entertainment? No
  10. YT Is it commonly used in the bathroom? No
  11. Kat Would an individual travel with it? No
  12. YT is it a common kitchen item? Yes…ish*
  13. Kat Is it primarily made of metal? No
  14. Lucy Is it used for cooking/food prep No
  15. Lucy Is it used for cleaning? No

Not official: corkscrew maybe? The screw part is metal but often the rest of it isn’t, such that less than 50% of the volume would be metal. And it’s often in the kitchen but not always.

helping you guys out a bit here…

actually, I would define corkscrew as a tool.

you guys can fight me later.

In a situation like this - I’d consider including a link to a definition and say “according to this definition…” when providing the answer.

  1. Kerfluffles Is it edible? No
  2. Kerfluffles Is it something you would find in a household? Yes
  3. YankeeTripper Is it bigger than a bread box? No
  4. twig Does it use electricity? No
  5. YankeeTripper Is it a tool of some kind? No 1*
  6. soy Is it a toy? No
  7. Kerfluffles Is it mainly found in the living room? No
  8. Celalta Is it an article of clothing? No
  9. Lucy Is it used for entertainment? No
  10. YT Is it commonly used in the bathroom? No
  11. Kat Would an individual travel with it? No
  12. YT is it a common kitchen item? Yes…ish 2*
  13. Kat Is it primarily made of metal? No

1* according to this definition for a tool: a device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function.
2* ranked by likely places of appearance based on MY experience.

that definition is from google btw, so I feel pretty good about it

Could be cigarettes.
A tea towel, or napkin
A plate or cup or mug (maybe used for entertainment?)
A small dog, or a cat. We haven’t asked if it’s alive…

Official: is it alive?

  1. Kerfluffles Is it edible? No
  2. Kerfluffles Is it something you would find in a household? Yes
  3. YankeeTripper Is it bigger than a bread box? No
  4. twig Does it use electricity? No
  5. YankeeTripper Is it a tool of some kind? No 1*
  6. soy Is it a toy? No
  7. Kerfluffles Is it mainly found in the living room? No
  8. Celalta Is it an article of clothing? No
  9. Lucy Is it used for entertainment? No
  10. YT Is it commonly used in the bathroom? No
  11. Kat Would an individual travel with it? No
  12. YT is it a common kitchen item? Yes…ish 2*
  13. Kat Is it primarily made of metal? No
  14. Lucy Is it alive? No

1* according to this definition for a tool: a device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function.
2* ranked by likely places of appearance based on MY experience.