Zero Tolerance on Alt Speculation Needed

No, you were awesome for posting so much. It gave much entertainment, and it is a travesty that the giant thread wasn’t preserved. I should have worked harder on the summary thread.


I would not turn my nose up to deetz!!! Even if you made up stuff… :wink:

Who’s a gud gurl??? Are you the bestest gud gurl??? Of course you are!!! :service_dog:

I am! I am! Is fourin chicken gud too? :dog:

I would get you the bestest forin chikkin because you are the bestest doggo ever!!! :dog2:

That’s not what the lawn says.

That’s the homeowner’s problem.

The lawn you like cutting? Holes help with squirrels too. :dog:


I get a strong impression that bg5150 does not actually care much what the stance is on alt speculation, despite the strong thread title.

Well now wait a gosh darn minute, you’re not actually Lucy!?

we will neither confirm nor deny. igore it!