Why should the dems not pack the court?

It’s hard to figure out how to break it up. The big split seems to be urban/rural, and urban areas are scattered.

Alternative is to start impeaching and voting out a whole butt-ton of justices that have been appointed in the past four years.
Not sure what the charges would be. Would have to find dirt.

true. NY is pretty split. NYC itself is blue, but Staten Island which is part of NYC is white republican, especially the south shore of Staten Island where I grew up. The north shore is more diverse.

Susan Molinari who was a republican house representative from staten island back in the day spoke at the DNC and is one of many republicans who are anti-trump. I’m guessing even though her family was pretty well regarded on SI with both her and her dad, guy molinari in politics, she won’t change minds there. people there are crazy.

I think that’s a huge step. Overturning RvW simply requires an argument that the constitution doesn’t give the court the power to override states on this issue.

Making all abortions illegal by judicial degree requires that the courts overrule the states.

Yeah, as partisan as the Trump nominees have been, I think you’d be hard pressed to find a reason to impeach one. The Constitution states that they shall serve “during good behaviour” (yes, the Constitution uses the British spelling of “behaviour”.)

So that kind of makes it seem like you can’t dig up old dirt on them. You have to find something that they did while they sat on the court.

Also, just like with the POTUS, you need a 2/3 majority of the Senate to remove them from office, which means that you must have a double-digit number of Republicans on board.

It is perhaps worth noting that only one SCOTUS justice has ever been impeached and he was not removed from office.

Do you know how you get Republicans on board?

Threaten to use your Constitutional powers to expand to 18 if they don’t play ball.

Negotiate from a position of strength - that’s how you get the Republicans to come to the table.

You can’t just ‘change the laws’. A Republican Congress can unchange them.

You CAN undo his disaster (meaning, packing the courts full of unqualified Federalist Society loyalists).

By legally expanding the courts.

Yep. Historically, D core cities surrounded by R suburbs is common. I hope that this year the suburbs go D, but I doubt that will last if the Rs can get their act together.

Here’s a map https://www.270towin.com/2018-house-election/

Kavanaugh and Barrett clearly perjured themselves, and this wasn’t exposed due to a friendly Republican Senate.

But you can’t remove without 2/3 majority, and again, you’re not getting Republican support for that without negotiating from a position of strength.

So you pass a Constitutional amendment that permanently changes the rules so that it can never happen again. You’d probably get Republicans to go along with it if you conceded that you weren’t going to try & undo what McConnell did, just prevent either side from ever resorting to those shenanigans again.

That’s a band-aid. At some point the Republicans will be in power again and they’ll just expand it even more. It never ends. You’re making the court far MORE political than one stolen appointment could ever do.

Just let me get this straight, so I’m not misconstruing your argument.

  1. McConnell changed the rules, breaking all norms to pack the courts.

  2. Biden should not reply to that. McConnell got his judges.

  3. Negotiate with Republicans to change the Constitution so the Democrats/Biden can’t do what McConnell/Trump did.

That’s why I expand the courts to neuter the McConnell/Trump mess (not going nuts and doubling every court because I can), then threaten to keep expanding if they don’t come to the table.

But if you don’t expand, you’re negotiating from a position of weakness. Republicans win, and the country gets stuck for another 40 years.

Mostly correct. Where you are incorrect is that McConnell did not break any rules. He broke norms, but not actual rules. It’s a subtle but important distinction.

McConnell set off a bomb. You can’t undetonate it. Don’t try. Setting off a new and different bomb (expanding the court when you are in power) does not help. It just encourages Republicans to set off even more bombs (expanding the court even more when they are in power). However attractive that second bomb might be, it is guaranteed to be an unmitigated disaster in the long run.

This is silly. The rules allow dems to change the number of seats. They would break the norms, but not the rules. So why is that any different?


Also, this crap highlights changes that need to be made in general.

If a president nominates a SC justice, the Senate must hold hearing and vote within 45 days. Boom. The rules are the same for everyone.

Same for all of the bills that McConnell didn’t consider as well. No delaying things forever. Same for “acting” positions within the govt that need senate votes.

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It’s not. That’s actually one of the problems with the idea.

Good idea - but you need to specify the “or what?”

The senate majority leader has to resign and their seat is filled by the person who got 2nd in that election.

Id also be a fan of implementing, let’s say, a 12 year term limit on the justices and purging some of them…