Vaccine Distribution

Hasn’t been shown to, or has been shown not to? If the jury is still out - vaccinate everyone.

not sure. i’ll have to do some research. lazy now. i saw that somewhere though.

It’s more that it hasn’t been evaluated that the vaccine keeps you from spreading it, but that is being researched now. Preliminary data is coming out that suggests you are far less likely to spread it if you’re vaccinated.

All the “you might be able to still spread it” warning was based on not having information yet.

ah, okay then i’m likely wrong.

It’s just hit the news recently.

Originally the vaccines had been studied for protection of having symptoms and severity of disease in the person vaccinated, not in transmission to others. However those vaccinated who get an asymptomatic case have low viral loads and those with low viral loads are less likely to transmit.

ah, that makes sense. it sounded weird to me that someone would be asymptomatic and have the same level of transmission, also extremely dangerous. i’d assume that vaccinated people are going to be less careful going forward. i would be. life needs to resume at some point.

my mother is already making plans to hang with her childhood bff who was also vaccinated. old people party!

There are some vaccines that provide what’s called “sterilizing immunity”. People who get those vaccines almost never transmit the disease. The evidence suggests that the covid vaccines don’t provide sterilizing immunity (although the jury is still out) but they almost certainly reduce the odds that you will transmit it, because essentially every vaccine that works at all does that.

They don’t know exactly how much less likely you are to transmit it, but “less likely” is nearly certain.

Anyone here considered vaccine tourism? Basically people from cities are headed out to the rural areas to get vaccinated earlier than they will be able to in the cities. Why is this possible? Because the vaccines have been aportioned based on population and out in the countryside is where the Trumpkins roam this they are seeing much lower vaccination rates and having many open appointments.

No, I have not.

Aside, though vaccine-distribution-related: what’s with the news programs showing actual injections into people?? I don’t want to see that. Yes, I’m a wuss when it comes to needles (getting a second shingles vaccine tomorrow).

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Yes. But I’m not yet eligible in my state, so I don’t actually have the opportunity to do that. But I might when I become eligible, if i can’t find anything close to home.

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My wife got the 1st Pfizer shot yesterday. (Teacher with health comorbidities.)

I was glad she didn’t have any of the more severe reactions. She tends to have the rare side effects to a broad spectrum of medications. They actually asked her to bring her epipen and stay for 30 minutes after. She had flu like symptoms and injection site soreness. Seems to be better today.

On a broader note the J&J vaccine being approved should help a lot. Single shot without the refrigeration requirements. This will help a lot in rural areas. Plus I saw that the US is now on track to have enough vaccine doses to cover the population before the end of the summer.

I see that NYC just opened overnight vaccinations (9pm-6am) at the Javits center for the J&J vaccine. With all the new J&J coming online, we need more of these 24 hour type places to get as many shots in arms as quickly as possible.

Kudos to them for doing that.

With the supply going to be what it is, there is no reason for places to only be open “working hours”. Maybe 24 hours is overkill, but people should be able to get vaccines at 6am or 10pm. And I am sure many of us would gladly take a 2 am appt in late March instead of waiting for a 9am appt in May.


This. I would consider driving a bit to find vaccine once I am eligible.

My father wound up driving to an outlying county to get vaccinated as his county had very limited availability

Apparently I’m too lazy to do this. Hearing word that the vaccine is available to anyone who wants to walk in today on staten island and errrrr pass

Maybe if more time passes and it is still not that available in manhattan.

If all you’re doing is staying home, and you wear masks when you go out, I’m not sure you need the vaccine. Except for peace of mind.

Yes, you can still get it, and there are stories on it, but

  1. You can get it with the vaccine anyway
  2. You might feel like shit after getting the vaccine.

Huh? No, I only stay home because I’m not vaccinated. If I got the vaccine, I want to go on my annual vacation with my mother and sister that we normally do in march, but got cut short last year when we got kicked out of the resort due to the entire world shutting down for covid that very week. I want to join bowling again. I want to attempt to have more if a life than I did pre covid. I’m tired if this shit. I do want the vaccine, not just to sit at home. Those 2 activities are risky without getting vaccinated first. I’m just not willing to lie or apparently drag myself to staten island thus risking covid to even get there to wait on a long ass free for all line.

The not willing to drag myself to staten island will likely change if it does not come to Manhattan for the masses soon though.

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But nobody died or was hospitalized with it post vaccine. That is a risk more worth taking

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Yeah. I’ve stayed home for a year, but there’s tons of things i miss doing, that I’d do after getting vaccinated. There’s stuff i wouldn’t do until the community spread is down, too. But my life will open a lot after I’m vaccinated.

Of course, i AM willing to get up at 3am it drive across the state to get it.

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I don’t have a car. To get to staten island, I’d have to either risk getting covid on an express bus or pay a lot for car service. My sister and I did the pay a lot for car service option for Thanksgiving.

I’d get up at 3am to go to the javits center across town.

Also, is it really gonna be that much longer for the rest of us if they are already having these events for the masses on staten island?

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What’s an Uber from Manhattan to Staten Island and back run?