Trumps last day physically in The White House

I’m sure that, once some explains this to him, he’ll apologise for his misunderstanding and find a new, legal, alternative.



Trump’s solution will be to live there and dare the city to sue him. Odds are, the majority of Palm Beach residents are okay with him living at Mar-a-lago, even if some would like to irritate him. This letter seems to come from just a few neighbors.


I thought the issue was the tax treatment of the property. If it is a resort, you can only stay there a limited number of days. If the Trumps were to live there, they would lose these benefits.

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Fair enough. Change “legal” to “tax avoiding”, and remove the sarcasm.

I Googled a little for tax benefits. What I came up with is that the property tax valuation is based on capitalizing the profits of the club, rather than estimating the market value.

" Instead, the values are figured using a formula called an “income approach,” which capitalizes the net operating income that the private club reports to the property appraiser each year."

I don’t know which is bigger.

Damn, he’s coming back for no reason, except to trash The White House’s decorator.
I guess I lose this contest.

“Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!,” Mr. Trump tweeted earlier this month in an appeal to his supporters to come to the capital to buttress his campaign to overturn the election results.

Yes, that is truly scary to me. That’s right out of the wannabe dictator’s playbook.

I’ve been trying to visit Newsmax and OANN every day. Neither of them have been giving this a lot of play. That’s an encouraging fact.

He’s back.

I didn’t think he would miss the New Year’s Eve party at Mar-a-lago.
Any theories? The article mentions Iran.