Hopefully you will have a bit of a reset in the 2026 midterms although Trump seems to be acting without Congressional support anyway.
Hopefully the 2026 midterms mean something
Remember: In much of the US, congressmen choose their voters.
If we do get to have midterms, there is a chance that some seats might flip, and at least one house in Congress might then try litigating to stop further excesses.
Wonder if “if elected I will vote to impeach Trump” and “if the House impeaches Trump I will vote to convict,” will become 2026 campaign slogans.
Trump seems to have personally “found religion”?
Is anyone other than me cynical about his sincerity?
That depends on the religion being found, I think.
He is the object of devotion of a cult, after all.
“I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong,” Trump said then in his winding speech
He means other people.
The U.S. is now just going to take Gaza.
He might be able to take Gaza, he won’t be able to hold Gaza. And that is the most important part of the Gaza, the holding.
And the cherishing . . .
Not worth the holding w/o the cherishing . . .
You get a risk card if you capture a territory, don’t think you get one for buying it.
This plan seems highly likely to destabilize the Middle East and makes the world less safe for lots of people. Taking away the property of 2+ million people and making them refugees so that he can make a fortune on beach front property just doesn’t sound like a good idea.
Dumping a million new refugees in Egypt and Jordan seems disruptive to those countries. Jordan is already one of the most water stressed countries in the world. Adding some fraction of a million workers to their economies will blow up unemployment rates and create massive disruption to their economies.
I’m struggling to see how participating in this plan as currently described has any benefit over not participating even with the sticks Trump is threatening.
Why do you think that a military take over of Gaza is now on the table?
“. . . but they’re not refugees. They’re being resettled voluntarily.” [/red]
The love will only flow one way.
As an additional bonus the peace treaties between Egypt/Jordan and Israel will go the way of the dodo.
That means the entire ME angry.
If you wanted to fire the starting pistol for WWIII, then that would probably do it.
I expect various terrorist groups to resume their activities against US targets everywhere as a result.
Good thing we’re combining this with getting rid of senior FBI staff and putting incompetent sycophants in leadership.
Not to worry. Trump will protect everyone with his rhetoric.