Trump Arrest Watch

Technicality: if Trump takes the stand, he is a witness for the defense, isn’t he?

I suppose the could claim no contradiction: Trump is an expert, but I don’t think so.

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So it’s possible the trial phase will be over next week?

After they’re done with Cohen tomorrow, I think that’s what left is:

  • Defense motion to dismiss
  • Defense expert witness – direct and cross
  • Trump – direct and cross? (probably not)
  • Closing arguments
  • Jury instructions
  • Jury deliberations and…my money is still on a hung jury.

The speed at which they’ve been going, I can easily believe that the week after next, the jury will be deliberating.

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My advice would be to pick their country carefully. There are Trumpists in countries other than the US.


Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 5.03.11 PM



Do we have to check to see if this is just another lame attempt at photoshop?

Asking for a friend.

If which post is? Asking for a friend.

My post, immediately before yours, is the editorial cartoon from today’s Philadelphia Inquirer.

The one in the Political Humor thread that was obviously a photoshop of a slam on Fox News viewers, changed to be about CNN viewers.

We shouldn’t have to check all of these on our own. You need to check.
Thank you.
The Management

Only a moron would need to ask if a post that that is labeled “Political editorial” with the artist’s name is photoshopped. Which is why I didn’t know what post you were asking as photoshopped. From your response, I still don’t know.

We shouldn’t have to try to figure this out on our own. You need to avoid ambiguous antecedents.
The GoA membership

(And, as to the Political Humor thread, :meh: I thought it was humorous, regardless of whether it is an accurate picture of a CNN screen… Also without agreeing that CNN is a biased source. The point was about viewers accepting any single source on TV is the only truth, IMO)


It was obviously photoshopped. But my interpretation of how is almost exactly opposite of yours.

The photoshop of the TV / CNN logo was exceptionally sloppy and obvious.

The pussy hat was detailed and looked original. I don’t think the cartoon was ever a slam on Fox News viewers… I think it was always a slam on lefties from the beginning. My guess is the original was “Steven Colbert is about to tell me what to think”. and they changed it to “CNN”.

As an expert on humor, it wasn’t. It was a ripoff by a clearly unhumorous person.

Nope. the original was “Fox.” I linked a reddit thread about which contained the original. This particular form of imitation is the insincere from or flattery.
They even changed the TV pic from what looked like Bill O’Reilly.


I think I couldn’t follow the Reddit thread.

While I realize this was intended as self-satire, it doesn’t land.

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Um, I have a degree in it!!

We can hope.

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Baiting him. It’s hilarious and just might work.

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Welp I was wrong he did attend the graduation and now off to Minnesota for his rally.