Thread to tag/talk to @discobot

Was going to ask how many times it would take to make discobot repeat itself, but I guess now we know.

The magic 8 ball only has so many options so the @discobot fortune seems like an easy one to get repeats. I’m more curious about the quotes.

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Better not tell you now

Such a tease.

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: It is certain

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Cannot predict now

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Stupid software is making me type more. Maybe discobot is getting tired of reading our fortune?

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Don’t count on it

@discobot advice

Don’t get married.

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Can discobot be “trained” by the admins to do anything else?

Now you tell me.

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Yes definitely

@discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: Nothing happens unless first we dream. — Carl Sandburg

@discobot start tutorial