The CAS has never been really transparent. I have filed a few appeals and the entire process rubbed me the wrong way. I felt it was quite disingenuous.
I am not sure the CAS ever said they were transparent. They do a lot of things to try and show they are. But in reality like you noted above the process isn’t transparent.
I agree, but it will be even less so with no published questions or solutions. It really takes away all voice from candidates.
I remember writing an appeal where I did something that was different than the sample solution to the 2019 Mango question. I used variances and covariances. I got the wrong answer, and the graders gave me zero points. I worked out the problem afterwards with my approach and got the correct answer. I sent this approach as an appeal.
The response I got was this was similar to the sample solution without the variances and covariances so it is not an accepted appeal (with no further explanation). I am like but I did this approach and got zero points because they didn’t understand what I did…
Most of the appeal responses say: “The appeal wasn’t accepted.” Without any real explanation.
The truth is the CAS has the right not to accept appeals. And they really don’t intend to anyway. So I don’t think it makes much of a difference they aren’t taking appeals now. Because they rarely accepted them anyways.
The candidates never really had a voice. If exam 7-9 have tests twice a year and are graded faster. It will be a fair trade.
The “if they are graded faster” is the key part here! I know that this is more of a long term statement but hopefully I will not be affected by grading of FCAS level exams in the long term. I care about grading speed for this sitting! lol
Tomorrow, between 2 and 3 PM ET, the CAS will be expressing how they felt we did.
I hope they’re open to debate!