Thread to bump when you take a nap


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Rough day. Fell asleep on the couch. Woke up to ribeye cap steaks and crab. Tomorrow is Friday, long weekend, LFG.


Two days in a row I napped from 4/4:30 to 6. Both times woke up feeling hazier than when I went down, but it was very nice all the same.


I know the feeling…& I agree that it’s still nice

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Daddy go :zzz:

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Tummy’s a little rumbly. Daddy gonna have hizzelf a little nappy nap.

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:football: missed much of the first quarter

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Pig in a blanket? Yum.

Obligatory Simpsons gif:


In honor of Calvin Coolidge, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, & Ronald Reagan, I :bump: this thread.

It was a good nap but now I’m a bit sluggish …what better time than now to do my tax return :crazy_face:

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