Theoretical exercise: What should be on a political literacy test to vote

Oh yeah. Those Democrats are total evil. Thanks for reminding me. Good thing we have those upstanding GQP member, party of Lincoln what freed the slaves, protecting our civil rights. whew.

gotta add some basic economics to the test as well: what has a bigger effect on inflation, M1 supply or unemployment?

1st question: What is the difference between a president and a king?
a. A king can do whatever he wants
b. A president can do whatever he wants
c. Liberals can suck it
d. TRUMP 2024!!!


e. Trump is king FOREVA

Iā€™d go for something simple and mostly bipartisan:

I think it would be cool if we had a test that prevented 95% of people from voting. Coincidentally, Iā€™m sure I could pass it.

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Q2 ā€œWhat is the air speed velocity of a swallow?ā€

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laden or unladen?

Unladen, of course

African or European?

Thatā€™s racist!


May I vote now?

I donā€™t particularly care how politically literate a person is for their vote to count. I just want to make sure the person knows what the candidate theyā€™re voting for ostensibly believes. So in my world, instead of filling out a little bubble for D.A. John Smith (R), you would instead be filling out a bubble along the lines of John Smith (R) has campaigned on the issue of increased enforcement and stiffer penalties for drug crimes. (T/F). If you are correct, your vote counts. If not, it doesnā€™t.

The problem with this is that choosing which issue and how the question is worded could have a huge impact. Ostensibly the D and R next to the name let you know what their main positions are.

Otherwise you could get-
ā€œD candidate campaigned on using your taxes to pay for the killing of unborn babies, True/Falseā€

Or to write your own instead of your opponentā€™s
ā€œIā€™m the only major candidate in the race that does not want to use your taxes to pay for the killing of unborn babiesā€


It would only work, If some non-partisan group (if that exists) put together a FAQ on the candidates positions all had to study from. Otherwise a voter may truly answer something he actually heard about a candidate, even if not true or as many candidates talk out of both sides of their mouth they may state different positions in different speeches

What, I donā€™t know that

Q1: Who is the CURRENT President of the United States?
Q2: Who is the CURRENT Vice President of the United States?

  1. Trump
  2. Also Trump
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No vote for you

No no thatā€™s what the bridge keeper says next!

What their position is, what their dark money funding tells them, how they have voted in the past, what their website says? I think we need to be a little more specific if youā€™re using this as a criteria for counting votes.