The Rebel Forum/Go Actuary 2024 Celebrity Death Pool

James Earl Jones : DEAD!

Mr. Jones was a famous actor, appearing in more than 80 movies including Field of Dreams, The Man, Conan the Barbarian, Coming to America and Dr. Strangelove. He lent his baritone voice to The Lion King as Mufasa and to Star Wars as Darth Vader. He died today at age 93. Noooooooooo!

soyleche gets a unique hit.


contestant Normal Deaths Tragic Deaths Unique Deaths Total Points
PatientZombie 4 1 0 60
Hotkarl 5 1 2 56
Ted_Hoffman 4 1 1 50
Maphistos_Sidekick 3 1 0 43
ArthurItas 4 1 1 38
Ezekial_Cumberland 4 0 0 36
frummie 3 0 0 22
traina 3 0 1 22
Macroman 2 0 0 20
soyleche 2 0 1 20