The banality of virtue

Also I don’t think this phrase means much. When it comes to virtue, really no such thing as “enough”. There’s just more and less.

Is anyone gonna RN or what

I don’t think even “perceived value” is the measure by which some major companies make hiring decisions. I’ve worked with people who definitely subtracted value from the company and continued to fail their way up the ladder.

That is certainly true.
Hiring the boss’ nephew. (adds value to my career by hiring the guy)
Meeting diversity quotas. (HR says it adds value to hire based on their definition of diversity)
The cost of firing someone and going through the hiring process again. (It is easier to do nothing if the place isn’t burning down)

If I didn’t need money I would spend money on hedonistic things like awesome speakers, gourmet food, and a house, or something. By doing so I would create plenty of jobs and paychecks for people simply as a byproduct of my consumerism. And that would be my contribution to society: enjoying myself.

Whatcha got going in the audio dept?

I haven’t gotten anything since the upgrade from cheapo computer speakers to Klipsches. Dunno what I’m gonna get next, maybe KEF but that will be a ways away.

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Not me. Eh, I might buy a vacation house and a newer but not better vehicle. Otherwise, I’m maxed out on anything hedonistic. I’ve got every piece of camping equipment and hunting necessities known to man as well as fishing stuff galore. And all of it’s pretty low end, nothing expensive. And I’m quite happy with that. If I wanted better stuff, I’d buy better stuff right now. Most of us here are wealthy enough to already afford everything we reasonably want, so anything beyond that is stuff we don’t reasonably want - and I don’t have much interest in that stuff.
probably a crossover between the ‘are you rich’ thread and ‘will you retire’ thread. Because I already feel like I’m rich because I’ve got everything I want. and no intention to retire because wtf am I going to do then. If/when I do retire, I’ll probably do more community service than I do now, but I’m already doing a pretty decent amount so maybe not even that.
So no to the $5K stereo system from me. My free portable speaker stamped Wawanesa Insurance works just fine.
Actually, holup. Unlimited cash, I might buy some sort of smoker rig for my charcoal grill. Unlimited time, i might build something. But as I recently posted on a discord channel, today my choices are build a smoker or linear algebra. And the smoker didn’t win out.

I mean that’s fine. Even if you eat nothing but bread you helped the people who made that bread. And by pooping you helped fertilize the next generation of plants. That’s virtuous living.

Imma ride in on an elephant and throw money at people Aladdin style

Unlimited money I’d try to make politicians do less stupid stuff.

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A lot of rich people try that right now. Doesn’t work. Still gotta get the votes and those rich people get to vote exactly asany times as those poor people.

:rofl: right money doesn’t affect politics

It doesn’t get people to do the right thing.

I think you are confused with what rich people are trying to get politicians to do.