Taking a cat to another country via airplane

quoting for posteriority.

Almost as if a real person was answering a question from…
(checking OP)…



Fun facts to know and tell: Today she is flying back to the USA with cat in tow. Aamof, she is in the USA right now as we “speak”.

Next time we do this I’ll be sure to check the airline’s website. That’s really good advice. I should have thought of that. Also, I’ll call ahead to find out the status of my flight. Surely, if they’re going to delay or cancel the flight it will be in plenty of time before I have to leave to get there two hours early like they suggest.

Text message Quote from daughter;

Checked in now for my [DFW-HOMe] flight. I not once today have shown any paperwork for mu (cat) all they did was weigh her and that was it. Literally there’s no inspection whatsoever. They just let me go through every single time I can’t believe I was so stressed about this.


Bot tactics - look for old posts that have the phrase “for X years”. Then post in that thread on the X year anniversary.

Let’s see if another bot will wait for 3 years to post in this thread. (Check back in 3 years to see if it comes true).