Supreme court overturns Roe v. Wade

Agree. I lean savory over sweet in most cases. My temptations are generally not sweets but salty or fatty foods. I can’t remember the last donut I had.


It greatly depends on the cheese and the donut. A warm KK beats pretty much all cheese. Most cheese beats DD. Most other local shops are somewhere in the middle.

I like sweets well enough, but donuts are overrated. I’ll eat a donut now and then, but i wouldn’t miss them if i never had another. I’d miss cheese badly.


Tbh, I wouldn’t have used doughnuts as my example except I had one in my mouth.


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Yeah I meant stuff like syrup too when I put sugar

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Eh, i consider corn syrup to be a type of sugar. Like honey and molasses and agave syrup.


high-fructose corn syrup <> corn syrup

ITA with your statement regarding “corn syrup” . . . but the HFCS is very different and has a different impact to health than “natural sweeteners”.

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Uh… there are other donuts out there better than either one, but between Dunkin’ & Krispy Kreme, Dunkin’ is way better. KK is a soggy over-sugared mess (basically the opposite of its name). And I say that as someone who likes very sugary treats.

I thought CS and HFCS were identical from your body’s perspective, we just have way too much in our diets in general. Is that wrong?

I doubt that’s correct. The high concentration of sugar in HFCS is surely much worse for your body, no?

Is it sugar, or something close to it?

Asking for a friend.

Fructose is a kind of sugar. It’s not the same as granulated cane sugar, but it’s a sugar.

Granulated cane sugar is sucrose. Thats a molecule that combines fructose and glucose.

Fructose is actually sweeter than glucose but your body can only handle about 50g/day of it (as it gets metabolised by your liver).

The Republican OH House Speaker doesn’t entirely sink, but is well against the Ohio legislature ignoring the ballot outcome and making their own abortion law.

Half of me thinks, “Wow, a reasonable Republican.” The other half says, “They realized they’ll get destroyed in 2024 if they do this.”


Glad that sanity seems to be prevailing. I don’t know about this particular Ohio Speaker, but some of the die-hard pro-lifers I know would consider losing a job to be a small price to pay to save the lives of innocent babies.

That said, I suppose if the GOP Ohio Legislature gets crushed in 2024 then the new Dem legislature will just honor the constitutional amendment, so any pro-life gains would be short-lived.

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I also wondered in the Speaker might possibly be one of those unicorn pro-choice Republicans, but no. Just someone who believes in the Ohio Constitution. I had to stop and think for an minute about which is more rare, but I guess it is a pro-choice Republican.

Dialing down rhetoric, in almost every case, is the right thing to do. One cannot have any real debate or conversation otherwise. Where are the moderate or calming/mature voices?

The media knowingly and unknowingly provokes emotional responses all the time by what it chooses to report and how it reports events.

Well, they are corporations, too, who have to make money out of eyeballs. You think they would do something responsible like ignore ignorami and ignoramae in power? See: 2016 Election. Or, heck, every local fire everywhere since news began, and OJ’s Car Chase.

I am vocal about the notion of HFCS having contributed greatly to the obesity problem in America. I don’t get nearly as religious about my diet as I should, and maybe I still consume too much sugar (though I try to limit that to morning coffee and then whatever fruits I have as snacks) but I will go out of the way to avoid HFCS whenever possible.

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