day trading, who knew it was stressful?
Gambling is supposed to be a fun activity. I’ve never gotten it either.
Maybe I’ve laid this out before. My thesis in 2020 was that the Reddit WSB crowd was big enough to act kinda like a hedge fund or whatever. They tended to move in the same direction and I felt like they had enough capital to move the needle on small cap stocks.
So I decided if I wanted to test that, might as well have skin in the game. So I bought $2k each of GME, BBBY, and BB. I don’t recall why I skipped AMC.
At any rate, it was interesting, but stressful. I learned what happens when loads of people buy calls and the price shoots up, I had never considered the gamma ramp. Lesson learned.
In general I’m not into gambling. I’ll go to the casino if that’s where the group wants to go, drop my $50 or $100, it’s fine. I guess I don’t have that personality type or addiction or whatever to riding a high chasing a jackpot. Actuaries, amirite?
5,278 S&P!!
The rally will likely continue until the election given the inflation trajectory.
I am up almost 60% since 2019 (which is crazy).
Just edged past 5,300 folks!
I had 2 shares of SPXL, intended to sell late yesterday not knowing how this morning would go. My suspicion was that the market with go higher in any case, but when I think that the market tends to do the exact opposite.
So: intention was to sell 2 SPXL.
Actual: bought 2 SPXL.
Good, because it’s up 3% on the day.
Better: everything else was also up on the day.
What makes me nervous: that everything in the portfolio is up, when a few of those things should be negatively correlated.
I retired in 2018. We’ve already had 3 moderate downturns in the market since then, yet are still hitting new highs. I managed to do a fair amount of diversification/rebalancing over those years and ate the associated capital gains taxes, got unlucky with 3 major expenses in 3 years (roof, HVACx2), lived off some of the balance, and am still considerably up overall.
Yeah, looks like you dodged the sequence of returns risk pulling the plug in 2018.
He got news I was leaving and started backing up the truck. I have some Chubb stock and it’s going up after hours.
I’m slightly up on $$ 45 days into my retirement despite having spent 2.5 weeks away from home. Market seems a bit frothy but will probably continue to froth as hope of lower interest rates remains.
DOW broke 40K
Let the good times at NVIDIA roll
Market update from FT. Shares up 3% now in after hours trading.
Looking at stocks and ETFs I track, the only things in the green right now are NVDA and short ETFs.
You’re right. It IS a great buying opportunity right now
NVIDIA’s margins are basically moon-sized.
Definitely going to attract a mass of competitors into the space.
I read something interesting on the internet (so it must be true) about how Sega saved Nvidia in the 90’s from going under. Sega needed Nvidia to make early GPUs for its console game system and gave Nvidia 5M in cash to revitalize their operations, and that saved the company.
The last few days had been ones where NVDA was up notably and yet the S&P as a whole was either down or practically unchanged. Today, the very largest stocks [AMZN, AAPL, GOOGL, MSFT, NVDA] are all up [MSFT is minimally up, but still up] and yet the S&P as a whole is down.
I’m trying to decide what that ultimately means, but I don’t think “eventually the rest of the market is going to catch up” is the expected outcome.
I call this a stock picker’s market. It’s far from clear how much profit AI will generate or who the biggest winners will be. I see the current market swings as a search to identify this value.
And 5,400 today. Getting a little closer to pulling a Klaymen, y’all.
I think its mostly Apple and Nvidia driving the latest increases.
I am going to be selling a bit before the US election.