Steve Jobs

I have a question about Steve Jobs. I have read various things about Steve Jobs that indicate to me that he was not a good manager. Everything from his micromanagement to his just not being a nice person in general, seems to go against what you’d learn in management class.

Yet, despite this, Apple is/was wildly successful. Does this mean we should all aspire to be like Steve Jobs, that management philosophy is incorrect? Or would Apple have been even more successful in the hands of a better manager?

If he had a 3" penis too, would you think that’s a contributing factor to his success as well? This is where your thread is going.

maybe if it made him insecure but I know nothing about his dong

But being a-hole-ness is a frequent topic in management discussions so I do think it’s relevant.

If so many leaders are terrible people, why doesn’t business school teach you to be terrible?

because you should be terrible after you become the boss, not before

It may be that learned terrible just isn’t as good as natural terrible.

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he was adopted, and was bitter about being given away. Still no reason to be a total a-hole. His adopted family took him so someone wanted him

He was an asshole enough to get booted from his own company. And I’m guessing his assholery got his job back, too. Helps to own a shitload of shares.

Sociopaths are good at squeezing money out of people. He was good at being a sociopath. He also thought fruit would cure his cancer, because some people are competent at some things and not others.

Yeah it seems a bit self inflicted, sadly.

" Despite his diagnosis, Jobs resisted his doctors’ recommendations for medical intervention for nine months,[163] instead relying on alternative medicine to thwart the disease. According to Harvard researcher Ramzi Amri, his choice of alternative treatment “led to an unnecessarily early death”. Other doctors agree that Jobs’s diet was insufficient to address his disease."

" According to Jobs’s biographer, Walter Isaacson, “for nine months he refused to undergo surgery for his pancreatic cancer – a decision he later regretted as his health declined”.[168] “Instead, he tried a vegan diet, acupuncture, herbal remedies, and other treatments he found online, and even consulted a psychic. He was also influenced by a doctor who ran a clinic that advised juice fasts, bowel cleansings and other unproven approaches, before finally having surgery in July 2004.”[169] He eventually underwent a pancreaticoduodenectomy (or “Whipple procedure”) in July 2004, that appeared to remove the tumor successfully.[170][171] Jobs did not receive chemotherapy or radiation therapy."

Proof that the conspiracy that big pharma is hiding a cancer cure to boost profitability is complete BS.

I’m not sure how one anecdotal case can be considered proof. Do you even actuary bro?

actuaries don’t prove things.

also, the whole point of that argument is that big pharma cares more about money thus withholding evidence of a cure.

however, if the wealthiest people in the world are dying of cancer, that completely debunks that myth.

Not really. [quick google search] ~200B per year spent on cancer treatments in the US. Job’s net worth at the time of his death was ~10B. Better to let him keep his money and not risk the truth coming out…

I suspect the latter. I think Jobs was successful because he had and recognized good ideas and high standards. A person with Jobs’ positives who also had better people skills might not have been fired in the first place and might have led Apple to even greater success.

That said, people with high standards are often not “people persons” because they are often intolerant of flaws all around. In both people and the products they create. At least as a general rule that’s been my experience.