Something extravagant you bought just because

Because a see through terlet is grooooooooooss!!! :nauseated_face:

:laughing: is that a thing?

gold is anti-inflammatory, so might be good if you have hemorrhoids.

This would have made a great tabloid speculation a few years ago haha

RNN. :oyh:

a golden buttplug might serve you better though

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As long as we are on toilet humor…

As an extravagance, for the first time ever, I am paying a service to come into my backyard and clean up dog doo-doo.

for the tabloid story or the hemorrhoids?

all the roids

My parents have that, definitely jealous.

You can google it. :nauseated_face: :scream:

The Lello is a badass machine.

For me: a purebred* puppy from a prize-winning breeder, as a family dog.

*as in: AKC-registered, 3+ generations documented


What breed?

my friend’s frenchie pup was over 6k.

And I thought my goldendoodle was expensive

:+1: I have one too! Also wasn’t cheap…

I did. I was just documenting my cultural ignorance. TIL.


German Shepherd Dog, looks a bit like this one:

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I’m getting a big Domino’s order today!!! :pizza: :yum:

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$40 on 25g of tea. weeee

(not a euphemism)