The kitchen is the big one, but I’ve noticed that the floors look smudgy after a while in the high traffic areas. Basically, a quick pass with a swiffer wet jet would clear it up, but I’d rather go the lazy route. Probably once a week or two would be fine downstairs. Upstairs, it’s mostly the bathrooms and the hallway that would need it more often. The bedrooms are fine for a long time with just vacuuming.
Maybe every two weeks targeting the bathrooms and hallway. The fur is definitely the dogs, but I think the smudginess is just the floors showing everything. It grosses me out to think about the old carpet now.
Yeah, it’s really the bathrooms and the hallway upstairs.
Yeah, so I routinely just carried the thing upstairs. It didn’t need nearly the amount of cleaning that the downstairs did.
I haven’t brought the roomba up there yet. It doesn’t seem to have nearly the same battery capacity that the Roborock did so I don’t know if it could handle it. When downstairs it usually has to take recharge breaks like a Tesla on a cross country road trip.
Carpet is pretty gross. I removed about 2000sf of it from my house and replaced with hardwood, tearing that out was .
It has a fairly glossy finish that gets smudged up since the kids all walk around barefoot. It’s a losing battle.
Ours is LVP with a matte finish, but it still gets smudgy. It’s a lighter shade, so that’s probably the issue.
You will want to see if a robo mop will even leave the floor smudge free before worrying too much about what to do on the second floor.