Right to a cure

No, where did you get that from?

I just keep thinking that SOMEONE thinks Ivermectin cures Covid. And they shared it, and what good did it do them?

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they 99% got over covid and also had a greatly reduced worm problem.

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1 out of 1000 doctors approve, and that’s all I need to confirm my beliefs!


It’s Catholic probabilism, visiting us from the 16th century.

“Probabilism proposes that one can follow an authoritative opinion regarding whether an act may be performed morally, even though the opposite opinion is more probable.”

That explains Americans forcibly masking 2 year olds because the AAP says it’s fine, Mr Gorilla.

I was telling my wife the other day the Ivermectin has to be a Russian thing. Whoever put that out in the wild for the Qanon folks has to be laughing their arseof at all the crapping th SE people are doing by taking dewormer for Covid.

Our healthcare market is deeply broken. This is just one egregious corner of the problem.

That seems like an extreme response. There are a gazillion ways in which our personal liberties are limited. The classic statement of that is that my right to swing my hand ends at your nose.

No one in this thread is talking about abolishing personal liberties. They are discussing where the limit should be on property rights.

Next thing you know we’ll be “forcing” people to wear pants and underwear at restaurants for sanitary reasons.

In my experience the vast majority of kids really don’t care about wearing masks. I suspect they learn that from the parents.

This analogy is almost as stupid as the parachute one. Almost.

Get a room you two

I think i got confused what the thread was.