nah, this is the random thoughts thread, not really trying to prove anything.
I’m guessing if I have the choice of retiring at 50 and doing part time uber for 10 years as a means to fund a car payment vs putting a years of salary into a car fund, I will stay on the extra year.
It’s a nonsense choice anyway since I currently drive so little that I could go a decade without even buying a car.
Is she truly down on her luck (like a diagnosis that people aren’t willing to accommodate), or is this a personality/authority/lack of accountability issue?
I suspect the job thing is partly her not showing up on time and partly her car will break down and she won’t have money to fix it so then she can’t get there, likely with a dose of unprofessionalism mixed in.
She does have a physical tremor in her hands and she’s Social Security disabled from a prior job as an administrative assistant… I think a mental nervous issue, but I’m not certain.
She has back pain and medicating it is difficult because her husband would steal her narcotics and sell them so now the docs won’t give her narcotics. But her husband is a super great guy. [/sarcasm]
in my local district it is $200 per day. it is part of my retirement planning to take some days there. learning the buildings and roles that suit you are important. but it is 7.5 hrs on site. I’ve been a gym teacher, a tech teacher, a k5 teacher, HS math (a few times). middle sch social studies once and that total won’t change.
Staring at my retirement spreadsheet again. Which means I’m frustrated at work and trying to figure out how long I have to keep doing this. We could pay off the house today and have >$2M, so maybe not that long. We’ll see how the trade wars go.
i find i obsess on the sheet in certain times of the year. this is one of them as I am between year end work and the comp discussions set for late Feb.
fortunately I am not frustrated at work. unfortunately I am no where near your total and so the projection is between n and N years away with a ton of assumptions that need to come through.
Things were a bit slow during the last six months of my employment, not anything to do with me. So I spent some time researching early retirement. I mean, I had researched it quite a bit and already told my boss I was likely leaving at the end of March, but I continued educating myself.
You’re making good money, so enjoy that while you can. But retirement could continue to look increasingly better and work increasingly worse as the ability to retire draws closer. Kinda like senioritis. Workitis.
Job dissatisfaction was a big reason, I certainly might have stayed a couple years longer if I enjoyed it more (and I did enjoy it mostly). I was two years into a California filing. I developed a tiering system to improve rating which had a bit of traction but management wanted it peer reviewed and it just didn’t go anywhere. And we had ambitious plans for a countrywide rollout but never had the resources to get things moving very quickly. That would just drag on forever and be repetitive, and maybe it was better that someone else owned that from start to finish.
I tried driving people on Uber/Lyft here and there during the last quarter of 2023. I didn’t think I made enough $ for all the miles going on my car driving people from A to B, and I was using a Civic.
I would want to be sure about the assumptions of revenue and miles. The barrier to entry is extremely low: a background check, some training stuff that doesn’t take long, information about drivers license and insurance, and State Farm said I needed an inexpensive rider to transport people but nothing to transport things. If you’re curious, sign up and give it a try. If you don’t like what you see after a month you’ll know for sure. Maybe you could find videos of Uber drivers doing simliar things in your area.