Oracle sql, new column with increments that reset

Say i have a data set with something like the following

colA colB colC
1111 abc 100
1111 abc 105
2222 def 200
3333 ghi 120
3333 ghi 090
3333 ghi 140

I want to add a new column, colD where the first value is 1, then as we move down the rows if colA in row 2 = colA in row1, and colB in row 2 = colB in row 1 then colD is 1+ the number in row1, otherwise the colD value is 1. So, using oracle sql, what syntax would i use to go to the following resulting dataset?

colA colB colC colD
1111 abc 100 1
1111 abc 105 2
2222 def 200 1
3333 ghi 120 1
3333 ghi 090 2
3333 ghi 140 3

My actual data has more columns, but it is only 2 that i’m concerned with.

Till all are one,


Group by colA and colB and then use row_number() for colD.

You could even partition by colA, colB