
I doubt anyone who showed up at the ER with mild symptoms and no other legitimate reason to be hospitalized would be admitted. People were being sent home from the ER in 2020 with serious symptoms as long as they had good oxygen levels and could breathe.

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I saw a chart yesterday (I’ll see if I can find it) where the US has had way more admits/capita over the course of Covid that EU countries. I wonder if we have looser admission standards when it comes to Covid than the EU. (Maybe thats just a socialized version of healthcare vs whatever in the hell our system is)

Frequency vs severity

If there are 10x cases and each case has 20% the chance of resulting in hospitalization, hospitalization will still double.

ETA: Oops, ninja’d

anectdote - my dad had COPD. getting from november to march was a struggle as he aged. probably went to the ER 1-2 times a year for flare ups in those months. (he passed in 2018. i can say w high degree of confidence that he’d have not made it through covid well.)

At home testing gets more expensive. Walmart and Kroger raise prices for BinaxNOW rapid COVID-19 tests

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Don’t forget that at-home tests are FSA and HSA eligible. Some silver lining.

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Anecdotal but another friend’s hospital is shutting down part of their imaging department because of sick staff. I guess that’s what happens when you have COVID patients coughing and refusing to mask despite hospital policy and screaming that masks don’t work. Plus that’s a waste of time and PPE for the HCW if the patient ends up refusing the exam over it.

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That’s crazy that a hospital puts up with that. I have family that works in hospitals in the northeast and the staff is getting COVID at higher rates, but it seems like it’s all coming from the outside at individual cases and not spreading in the hospital. I think the patients there generally do well wearing masks and such.

I wonder if this is the cause?

Edit: prices were raised in December. But i do wonder if prices will increase more when insurance companies begin covering them.

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I’m bummed, I tried my FSA card at Wal-Mart and it said it wasn’t eligible, and after testing positive was too distracted to save the receipt.

$28 of tax-deductible money gone!


Did a search for “BinaxNOW” on the Kroger app. Item is unavailable, but they asked if I’d like to substitute a Clear Blue Easy test instead.

I’m just imagining the customer who thinks “well I think I might have Covid, but since I can’t test for that… oh well, might as well see if I’m pregnant instead!”


Can’t you send in your receipt and still get reimbursed?

I think you can claim it without even sending it in, you just want to have the receipt on hand in case the IRS decides you’re easier to audit than Bezos

Depends on the administrator. Some administrators require the submission of a receipt. I would guess that for many it is a CYA/check a box thing and you could probably submit a blank document because no one actually reviews them given the responsibility is ultimately on the tax-payer.

my uncle’s crazy wife - “I told my husband keep your deluded, ignorant and lliterate family out my life. It is not my fault that despite they went to college they can not comprehend documented research. I pray they reap the evil they sow. One reported people in a resturant for not wearing mask. I have no respect for such a vile, deluded and mean creature. I am anti vilonce. If this foolish, deluded, moron tells me her propagranda I will verbrally dissect her. She always wants to fight because she is miserable. Do not want to waste time fighting with a moron. Do not want to fight with husband’s family. JUST GO AWAY!!! She lacks a grasp of reality, any common sense and I will not toleratate her support of lying unethical fraudlent politicans attempting to dicate us. I am praying God punishs her and all like her. They deserve to suffer. Thinking of them makes me want to vomit. Politicans no less about science awake than researchers do asleep. They, scentist they own have made science political. Truly disgusting and unethical. I wish all polticans, doctors denying docuemnted research something incurable. Karma says they will reap the evil they sow. I believe most American’s are reading the documented research and do not support being dicated by these power hungry liars. Want paper ballots in 11/22. We electrtonic voting allows cheating. They know their losing and intend to cheat.”

so, should i tell her that she should wear a mask you guys?

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No, you should just keep your distance from that hateful human being. And I mean that in the sense that she seems to be extremely full of hatred.

i’m mostly joking. we ignore her at this point.

This is just so meta.


First you should create a dedicated thread and then you should tell her about the benefits of double masking



I have confronted her in the past. It led to me banging my head against a wall, and just annoyance for my uncle who has to deal with her shit, so I don’t do that anymore. He told her to quit tagging him in her crazy rants. She would oblige for like a minute and then go right back doing that.