
Mask are still required on NYC Subway

It’s not enforced at all. i had to take the subway today, but rarely take it and it wasn’t enforced.

So basically the judge ignored “and other measures” and laser focused on a very specific definition of sanitation? Pretty much the only thing the 1944 law allowed for, in her view, is wiping down surfaces with disinfectant?

I took the light rail on Saturday and nearly everyone was wearing a mask. Except for the one guy drinking a fifth of rum. I guess if you’re drinking straight from the bottle at 1 in the afternoon, you don’t want a face mask to get in the way.

I’m curious what it’ll be like now that the requirement is gone. Probably 50/50. We’re woke like that around here.

You should read MayanActuary’s post: Masks - #362 by MayanActuary

That part of the opinion that Lucy & others are focusing on is just one aspect of the decision.

I guess DOJ will appeal the decision based on CDC guidance.

I’m confused. Can new york still keep the mask mandate on public transit despite this shitty judge?

Depends on New York law, I would guess. The federal judge struck down the unlawful CDC federal public transportation mandate, but that doesn’t in itself preclude local $#!+hole dictators like Eric Adams from enacting their own rules, subject to their local laws.

After yesterday’s decision, my state’s governor initially tried to keep his own EO that covered public transportation & hubs, but later today decided to drop it. I think he’s realized that his admin’s covid response isn’t a winning strategy for his reelection bid this November.

The scope of the lawsuit was specifically the federal mandate. To what extent a federal judge can strike down local laws is kinda a whole 'norther can of worms.

I’m reading other commentary that the judge started with her conclusion and backed into a ruling. We’ll see what happens if it gets appealed.

At this point, masks are political kryptonite.

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Some info about the odds of transmission on airplanes.

Yes, that’s true. But it’s weird, because they are such a cheap measure. And really, do you even want to see the facial expressions of the guy across the aisle on an airplane?

If there are snakes on the plane, yes.

News reports (NPR, e.g.) have the Biden admin going cautiously on whether to appeal or not. They say they want to be careful not to get adverse decision that will tie CDC’s hands in future. I figured appeal would be a no-brainer, especially considering slipshod ruling. I wonder if political considerations are behind the slow-roll.

It’s a mid-term election year, and the administration’s party is already at a disadvantage.

My personal trainer has covid today. She caught it from her 3 year old, who caught it on the airplane when they returned home from visiting family. At least, no one in the visited family caught covid, and they didn’t go out anywhere, and she flew back the day after the mask mandate was lifted, and while her family wore masks, 3 year olds don’t wear masks especially well.

The 3 year old has recovered. The vaccinated 6 year old never tested positive. My trainer and her wife are pretty sick, though. Not “hospitalized” sick, but “can’t work and feel horrible” sick.

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It’s unprovable, but if it could be proven I would bet a large amount of money that 3yo caught it in the airport, or on the jet bridge, or the bus from the parking lot / rental car facility to the airport, or the tram that goes around the airport, not the airplane.

Hope your trainer & his family are fully recovered soon though, and that you continue to avoid it.