March Madness 2024 (a.k.a the annual Rock-Paper-Scissors tournament)

Feel free to rollover.

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I see that @SteveWhite is trying that delaying tactic again!

Still not gonna work.

Staying Zen During Finals - HawkTalk


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Quick Summary:
:oh_noes: :oh_noes:
:oh_noes: :oh_noes:

That’s right - we’ve got our first :skull_and_crossbones: of the Sweet Sixteen, which means we’ve also got our first entrant into the Elite Eight!!

Congratulations go out to…

Ezekial_Cumberland!! … and that also means the Klaymen region is now officially up for grabs!! :astonished: :astonished:

A third attempt at a :broom: failed, which means we’ve only got one more chance to see it happen this round. Otherwise we’re starting to see a lot of effective rally caps being worn, especially in the OutdoormanNowActuary region, where what once was a pair of 3-0 matches has suddenly become a pair of 3-2 matches. As they always say, it’s that last game is the hardest to win!

How much longer can those :oh_noes:s keep hanging on? Stay tuned to find out… and keep sending those throws! :+1:

Echo Region

SteveWhite defeats VorianAtrds in Game 4, VorianAtrds leads (3-1)
R-R SteveWhite
R-S VorianAtrds

Echo          ---- Echo*       3

MtnHawk     3
Doctor_Who  4 ---- Doctor_Who  0


SteveWhite  4 ---- SteveWhite  1
AbstractAct 1

VorianAtrds 4 ---- VorianAtrds 3
IPD         2

Klaymen Region

EzeklCumber defeats Klaymen in Game 5, EzeklCumber wins (4-1)
P-P Klaymen
P-S EzeklCumber

Klaymen       ---- Klaymen     1

EzeklCumber 4 ---- EzeklCumber 4 ---- EzeklCumber 
WishBear    2


1695814       ---- 1695814*    2

ALivelySed  1
Whiskey     4 ---- Whiskey     2

Kid_Rock Region

soyleche defeats skysn93 in Game 4, series tied (2-2)
S skysn93
R soyleche

Kid_Rock      ---- Kid_Rock*   2

BruteForce  3
ThNtrsLINUS 4 ---- ThNtrsLINUS 2


NmrclNeurot 3
skysn93     4 ---- skysn93     2

soyleche    4 ---- soyleche    2
twig93      3

OutdoormanNowActuary Region

OutdoorAct defeats OldTimer in Game 5, OldTimer leads (3-2)
R-S-S OutdoorAct
R-S-P OldTimer

StevGrondin defeats JFG in Game 5, JFG leads (3-2)
P-R-S-R StevGrondin

OutdoorAct    ---- OutdoorAct  2

Actuary321  2
OldTimer    4 ---- OldTimer    3


JFG           ---- JFG         3

StevGrondin 4 ---- StevGrondin 2
meep        3

Key: * indicates throws submitted; # indicates throws need to be turned in or you will be booted


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Not me. :confused:

I see that @SteveWhite fell for the same trap as IPD!!

I’ve got this game wrapped up!!

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Plenty of time to claim a first round (of your competition) loser badge. You can do it!

Can’t win if you don’t lose, eh?

Quick Summary:
:skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:
:oh_noes: :oh_noes:
:oh_noes: :oh_noes:

I forgot to acknowledge that yesterday was Countdown Day (since the date was 3/21…).

But I just found out that today’s another specialized holiday:

Apparently 3/22 is “Steve is gonna get Rocked” day! :yikes:

… which also means Vorian_Atreides and JFG advance to the Elite Eight!

And now every active match is only one throw away from being over, including our first :popcorn: match of the Elite Eight (but not likely the last, the way things are trending lately!).

So stay tuned - it looks like this week will be ending on a very exciting note!! Enjoy the :popcorn:, and keep sending in those throws! :+1:

Echo Region

Doctor_Who defeats Echo in Game 4, Echo leads (3-1)
R Echo
P Doctor_Who

VorianAtrds defeats SteveWhite in Game 5, VorianAtrds wins (4-1)
S SteveWhite
R VorianAtrds

Echo          ---- Echo        3

MtnHawk     3
Doctor_Who  4 ---- Doctor_Who  1


SteveWhite  4 ---- SteveWhite  1
AbstractAct 1

VorianAtrds 4 ---- VorianAtrds 4 ---- VorianAtrds 
IPD         2

Klaymen Region

Whiskey defeats 1695814 in Game 5, Whiskey leads (3-2)
R-P 1695814
R-S Whiskey

Klaymen       ---- Klaymen     1

EzeklCumber 4 ---- EzeklCumber 4 ---- EzeklCumber 
WishBear    2


1695814       ---- 1695814     2

ALivelySed  1
Whiskey     4 ---- Whiskey     3

Kid_Rock Region

ThNtrsLINUS defeats Kid_Rock in Game 5, ThNtrsLINUS leads (3-2)
S-R-S Kid_Rock

skysn93 defeats soyleche in Game 5, skysn93 leads (3-2)
S-R-R skysn93
S-R-S soyleche

Kid_Rock      ---- Kid_Rock    2

BruteForce  3
ThNtrsLINUS 4 ---- ThNtrsLINUS 3


NmrclNeurot 3
skysn93     4 ---- skysn93     3

soyleche    4 ---- soyleche    2
twig93      3

OutdoormanNowActuary Region

OutdoorAct defeats OldTimer in Game 6, series tied (3-3)
S-R OutdoorAct
S-S OldTimer

JFG defeats StevGrondin in Game 6, JFG wins (4-2)
S StevGrondin

OutdoorAct    ---- OutdoorAct  3

Actuary321  2
OldTimer    4 ---- OldTimer    3


JFG           ---- JFG         4 ---- JFG         

StevGrondin 4 ---- StevGrondin 2
meep        3

Key: * indicates throws submitted; # indicates throws need to be turned in or you will be booted

forget the :popcorn: , I need :cake:


gg @SteveGrondin

Zut alor! J’ai été tué!

Oh the ignominy!

Congrats @JFG!

Quick Summary:
:skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:
:oh_noes: :oh_noes: :oh_noes:

That’s right - we’ve lost our :popcorn: symbol :astonished: . So how did that match go between the Regional Titleholder OutdoormanNowActuary and the RPS rookie OldTimer?

We’re now going to have (at least) two new Regions next year - OldTimer advances to the Elite Eight!!

We also lost one other in one of the non-:popcorn: matches. So who’d we lose?

If you’ve been leery of these updates for a while, then yes… you probably have a reason to be leery again. :frowning:

… and we congratulate Whiskey for making it to the Elite Eight as well!

As for the other three matches, the front-runner in each match-up has already submitted throws - can their respective opponents avoid their respective fateful throws? Stay tuned to find out!

(And keep sending in those throws! :+1:)

Echo Region

Echo          ---- Echo*       3

MtnHawk     3
Doctor_Who  4 ---- Doctor_Who  1


SteveWhite  4 ---- SteveWhite  1
AbstractAct 1

VorianAtrds 4 ---- VorianAtrds 4 ---- VorianAtrds 
IPD         2

Klaymen Region

Whiskey defeats 1695814 in Game 6, Whiskey wins (4-2)
S 1695814
R Whiskey

Klaymen       ---- Klaymen     1

EzeklCumber 4 ---- EzeklCumber 4 ---- EzeklCumber 0
WishBear    2


1695814       ---- 1695814     2

ALivelySed  1
Whiskey     4 ---- Whiskey     4 ---- Whiskey     0

Kid_Rock Region

Kid_Rock      ---- Kid_Rock    2

BruteForce  3
ThNtrsLINUS 4 ---- ThNtrsLINUS*3


NmrclNeurot 3
skysn93     4 ---- skysn93*    3

soyleche    4 ---- soyleche    2
twig93      3

OutdoormanNowActuary Region

OldTimer defeats OutdoorAct in Game 7, OldTimer wins (4-3)
P-S OutdoorAct
P-R OldTimer

OutdoorAct    ---- OutdoorAct  3

Actuary321  2
OldTimer    4 ---- OldTimer    4 ---- OldTimer    0


JFG           ---- JFG         4 ---- JFG         0

StevGrondin 4 ---- StevGrondin 2
meep        3

Key: * indicates throws submitted; # indicates throws need to be turned in or you will be booted

Looks like i found the wine.

GG numbers man


Congratulations, Whiskey, on a great match.

GG and good luck, VA

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GG Outdoor Actuary. I got the early lead but it always felt you like you were ahead.