March Madness 2023 (a.k.a the annual Rock-Paper-Scissors tournament)

Echo says the only good scissors are ones that open food.

Outdoor better win next one, never good to let Echo put a leg up on him



It was a close match, taking three throws, but Echo prevailed to move ahead for the first time in the match.

Meanwhile, Kid_Rock was down 3-2 for the third time in this tournament? Can Kid_Rock really take a fourth straight match to a :popcorn: Game 7???

Much to Orville Reddenbacher’s delight, yes! We’re on to Game 7 for a seat in the Finals!!
:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

Final Four - All Matches Best of 7

Kid_Rock defeats Klaymen in Game 6, series tied (3-3)
R Klaymen
P Kid_Rock

Echo defeats OutdoorAct in Game 3, Echo leads (2-1)
R-P-R OutdoorAct
R-P-P Echo

Klaymen     3
Kid_Rock    3

OutdoorAct  1
Echo        2

Key: * indicates throws submitted

Note: Completed Region details found in Post 3

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If this was a question, I believe the answer is 4th time.


What’s that phrase? Those who can’t count, run games?

… or become actuaries? :person_shrugging:

I was just pointing out that I have backed myself into a corner way to many times. But then again, hanging on in quiet desperation is the Kid Rock way.

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We’ll do this in reverse order of excitement, though that’s a bit unfair to the other semi-final, as things are really starting to heat up :fire: :fire: . It took four, count 'em: :one: - :two: - :three: - :four: throws just to determine the Game 4 winner, but now…

we are on full :oh_noes: alert for OutdoorMan, as Echo is one throw away from advancing to the finals!!
:oh_noes: :oh_noes:

But we know right now that the real drama lies in the first semi-final, where Kid_Rock, who was down (3-1) yet again, again, again has managed to take this to a Game 7. :scream:

We’ve already seen that the third time’s a charm (along with a charmed first and second time). Can Kid_Rock really make it four in a row? Why, that would be preposterous…


… but accurate :astonished: , as Kid_Rock’s Rock rocks Kid_Rock into the Finals!!! :tada:

Final Four - All Matches Best of 7

Kid_Rock defeats Klaymen in Game 7, Kid_Rock wins (4-3)
S Klaymen
R Kid_Rock

Echo defeats OutdoorAct in Game 4, Echo leads (3-1)
S-R-P-S OutdoorAct
S-R-P-R Echo

Klaymen     3
Kid_Rock    4 -- Kid_Rock    

OutdoorAct  1
Echo        3

Key: * indicates throws submitted

Note: Completed Region details found in Post 3



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Rock wins, rock wins, ROCK WINS!

I hate to say it, but I might have to root for the kid over Echo/ODMA!

How many rocks could Kid_Rock rock if Kid_Rock could rock rocks?


All of the sudden p=0.50 is a reasonable hypothesis :slight_smile:

Well, we’ve got one RPS Finalist determined; how soon will we have the other?

Currently we’ve got OutdoorMan down 3-1 to Echo, but as Kid_Rock has shown, you can come back from 3-1, repeatedly, even. So this one’s not over yet, is it?

Actually it is. (How does Kid_Rock make it look so easy??)

Echo advances to the Finals! :tada:

Final Four - All Matches Best of 7

Echo defeats OutdoorAct in Game 5, Echo wins (4-1)
P-P OutdoorAct
P-S Echo

Klaymen     3
Kid_Rock    4 ---- Kid_Rock    0

OutdoorAct  1
Echo        4 ---- Echo        0

Key: * indicates throws submitted

Note: Completed Region details found in Post 3


GG Echo

Thanks and GG @OutdoormanNowActuary !

Will CI triumph over AI? Or is it just barking in the wind?

You shut your filthy whore mouth!

I need to let my dog make my picks next year.

