I agree, it’s hard to directly compare. Diet and lifestyle. I think it’s fair to say we spend a lot, and there are ways we could spend less without impacting clinical outcomes. But we would impact some wallets.
I’m curious about that, because of the ‘Japanese company man’ reputation (or that’s been my perceived reputation. But I saw something recently (and I probably couldn’t find it if I tried now) that said while that is still a bit of a thing, the Japanese have largely moved away from it. But I didn’t see data, so I’m curious what’s going on over there.
They might work fewer hours per week.
1,810 hours a year is 45 40-hour weeks + 10 hours. That’s probably a reasonable proxy for a lot of folks, considering a lot of us get 10-12 holidays plus sick / vacation / PTO and we also work late from time to time.
1,607 hours might be 45 35-hour weeks + 32 hours.
Including retired people as having worked 0 (or less) hours?
What about sumo wrestlers?
According to wikipedia…
That’s gotta set the average work week back several minutes right there.
A related story, which may be apocryphal, happened around 40 years earlier -
According to Petronius (c. 27 AD – c. 66 AD) in his work Satyricon , an inventor brought a drinking bowl to the Roman emperor Tiberius made of vitrum flexile – translated as either flexible or unbreakable glass – which did not shatter but merely dented. Tiberius asked if anyone else was aware of the invention. When the inventor replied that he was the only person who knew the secret, Tiberius had him killed. The motivation, according to Reynolds, was to protect the livelihood of the glassmakers.[1]
Most other rich countries already cap their drug prices at a percentage of other countries’ prices. US is exceptional in not doing this.
No, “per worker”. It does include part-time workers though.
I used the 2022 OECD numbers (being the most recent) and excluded Latin American, Eastern European, and former Soviet states.
Thanks, I didn’t know that.
I could use an extra 5 hours per week to improve my diet and exercise. Honestly, if I can’t get it together in the next 2-3 years, that may be what makes me retire early. I can either work longer and be less healthy or retire early and be poorer. I think I’d rather be poor but healthy.
The older I get the more the line “if you have your health, you have everything “ resonates with me
i got a call on my cell and picked up.
it was some “conservative” group trying to get me to be mad about big pharma trying to get fat and blame PBMs who are out there making everything amazing.
it’s a fight i want to see go many rounds with no real winner. But i merely told the person that “PBMs can eat a dik”. they are the most frustating part of my coverage
I keep asking people to explain why PBMs are so great, so far nobody has given me a satisfactory answer. I know that they are great at adding shareholder value, I get that.
“Buying power” but I ain’t buying that when the savings leave much to be desired
i think the erisa-based fiduciary lawsuits that will come related to rebates (at least) will do something.
was talking with someone today relating to quotes for a self funded group insurance program i have a small say in. incumbent network quotes something like +18% in total plan costs for renewal. competing network quotes +7%. But the lower bid is a very large company with the highest rejection of claims rate. consultant said that members would have to fight a ton for the claims to be paid based on recent experience they’ve had with other similar groups that went to that same competing network in the last year or two.
I said “if we make that decision the members will murder us for it…” and then I caught it and restated that the decision will be wildly unpopular.
so i asked above how long until we can revert to complaints without it triggering a violent image and I think we aren’t yet there.
Honestly, I don’t think Luigi will be the last. I’m not wishing some anarcho-vigilante future where people get shot frequently, but with the increasing concentration of wealth, impending vast deregulation and dismantling of things like the CFPB… We’re going to have more Luigis.
Count Rugen : Get some rest. If you haven’t got your health, then you haven’t got anything.
Just plead guilty and see if you can get the judge to agree to 25 years. $300k can get you some nice snacks in jail