I love not having polio!

Haahahaha man every day I wake up feeling so glad that I don’t have polio. Feels good man. I hope everyone else feels as amazing as I do when they realize they don’t have to worry about polio!

#poliofree #feelsgoodman #sogladidon’thavepoliorightnow

I also love not having TB. Or, at least, not having it SO FAR.


I would wear a mobile iron lung that resembled a Darth Vader suit. shrug


Presumably not the source of the KS outbreak, but apparently you can get more than a side of E. coli with your unpasteurized milk.

Prevalence of Mycobacterium bovis in milk on dairy cattle farms: An international systematic literature review and meta-analysis


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Idiot doctor makes idiot statements:

I mean, whatever could go wrong?

That’s actually why pasteurization was mandated in most places, to fight TB. Iirc

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This lists other diseases, too

But TB was always on the list.

I’m pretty happy about never having caught measles or tetanus, too.

people feel the vaccine mandates are dangerous and not needed bc…they live in a bubble of protection afforded by those very vaccines.

@JFG 's link with the headline about a texas outbreak won’t convince people. where’s the mass fatalities? the anti-vax crowd would believe there’s no downside to getting the natural immunization impact until they see massive downside.

do i want to see that? nope. but those people will need to be reminded apparently.


Eh. It is Texas. Someone has to be the live/dead guinea pigs for this “science” experiment.
“Some of you will die, but that is the sacrifice that I have to make.”
And Darwin and stuff.

if/when it does happen, the location is likely to be one where that quote applies.

Look up Samoa. TLDR summary A medical mishap when administering vaccine killed two kids. Vaccination rates plunged. Measles hit. Killed 83. On the plus side, the govt wised up and vaccinated the holdouts. Outbreak quashed.

There are many reasons why I’m glad that I live where I am. The fact that there aren’t any anti-vaxxers here hadn’t previously made the top 10 of my list but maybe I should reconsider.

i don’t need convincing. “they” do. and pointing to 83 dead in Samoa is not relevant to a mob that assumes such a place is a 3rd world locale filled with primitive people. it will have to happen somewhere they care about.

Oh I agree, proximity is a big deal. The only thing is that here, the govt won’t respond by vaxxing folks. The measles and unvaxxed combo is going to kill many more people, and idiots everywhere will be desperate to learn the wrong lessons.


I give the US maybe 12 months before you have all manner of outbreaks.


We need to go back to wearing a mask 24/7

I am actually building a supply of the K94 masks I prefer.

They’ve become a little harder to find, and I have a hunch that next the next couple flu/RSV/COVID seasons will be worse than this year’s bad flu season, because…reasons.


I’ve just been using regular surgical masks this entire time and not gotten sick once

But if the k94 is more comfortable then keep building up the stockpile