How to Dedupe Republicans

I agree that “Christians” have focused too little on the latter while fighting the former. But really, why not both?

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Providing sex education and birth control is equal to giving permission for daughters to have sex. According to some “Christians.”

Because it’s not about abortion - it’s about sex.

I believe you have been ninja’d!

Yeah - I noticed that… :slight_smile:

Hieeeeeeeee-ya! (quietly, so can’t hear.)

It’s not about sex, it’s about control.

When I was a young teen, I had a purity bracelet. One end of the clasp was a heart, and the other was a key that belonged to my father until marriage.

Females aren’t supposed to have any ownership of their own sexuality.

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I can accept that.

I’m not aware of any polls that have actually asked this many respondents, FWIW.

FTR, I do believe that there are a large number of people drinking the Trump Kool-aid. But I also believe that many pollsters are automatically interpreting a “belief that shennanigans exists in the voting process” to really mean that “the election was stolen”.

And it’s unfortunate scenario that this large number of people are heavily influenced by leaders in Washington, D.C.

NOTE: I also appreciate the respectful tone and counters you have provided. I’m not intending to be a “contrary Nancy,” but I’m also highly skeptical about a lot of things that comes out of the media–especially when it’s about highly controversial topics.


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And somehow, “deprogramming” will work better? This seems to be highly correlated to brainwashing these people into believing something else rather than educating them to a better level of critical thinking and communications.

I meant “deprogramming” to be a generic term, and not a specific action that excludes education or communication. I can change the title since it apparently means something special to people.

Didn’t take long to find this. I think the statement that Trump was robbed is the same as the election was stolen.

Actual voter fraud is not a controversial topic. It is a well contained risk of modern elections. Voter suppression is a significant problem in America. It effects millions of voters each election cycle. Focusing on fraud rather than suppression means you have fallen for the conservative/trumpian effort to undermine the belief in fair elections. Trump has consistently stated any election he doesn’t win is fraudulent from prior to November 2016. Conservative voices have promoted this “Voter Fraud” scare always in vague terms repeating trumpian lies and adding their own. If you listen to their unfounded speculations the slant becomes clear, any vote not for a Republican is a fraudulent vote. If you want to do a little deeper dive on this topic here’s a couple of links the Heritage Foundation’s database on voter fraud
and piece on voter suppression by the ACLU Block the Vote: How Politicians are Trying to Block Voters from the Ballot Box | ACLU

Pretty bold assertion. Any concrete evidence to back up this particular claim?

Ahh, oh well. At first I thought you were speaking my language. My immediate family has a funny tendency to demand evidence for even the most innocent thoughts and speculations. And many comfortable holidays turn into obsessive research and heated arguments over nothing. But with us, when we demand evidence we all have acceptable evidence in mind, and are willing to dig deeper when the evidence presented is unacceptable for whatever reason.

But here you seem to be doubting statistics, pollsters, the media, and me (since I already answered you that I looked at the survey questions), and you seem to be unwilling to do additional research yourself.

Admittedly if you flat-out don’t trust anybody to conduct polls honestly (besides election polls since we discussed those) I guess there’s no research you can do. Which kind of comes back what we are discussing in this thread: How can I educate you if you trust no sources of information, and won’t seek better sources of information?

I appreciate that it’s a lot to take in. It didn’t pass the ‘smell test’ for me either at first. But that’s why I looked for other and better sources. I also really don’t trust the media, but I spend a lot of time trying to figure out which members of the media are valid, because the Media is the only way I can know anything really.

FWIW, Yes I do appreciate you aren’t drinking the Trump koolaid, and don’t believe that the POTUS was stolen. So, I don’t consider you brainwashed (or whatever the thread title implies).

The thread title doesn’t imply it, the first line of your post says it.

I am for practicality and efficiency. We have spent 40 some years trying to make abortion illegal and it’s more legal now than ever with less abortions now than anytime since Roe V Wade. Seems like abortions are decreasing despite legality. This makes me think the crank on decreasing them from access to healthcare, birth control, good jobs, and realistic sex education is a much easier crank to turn than the crank of trying to outlaw them.


Again, you’re welcome to propose less offensive terms. I tried to think of a new title that uses “exit counseling”, but it’s difficult since there’s not a well defined leader or cult to “exit”. Probably if I were a historian I would know have the proper term for when millions of people that are losing their ability to know the truth.

Of course it didn’t take long to find “Trump was robbed” when you’re looking on Fox News.

And as I said, I don’t put much stock in “global statements” about a particular group concerning controversial topics coming from any media source.

I generally agree that actual voter fraud is usually not a controversial topic; but during this last election cycle, it did become one–one that the media engaged in and pushed to make it controversial.

But I do agree with the rest of this statement. Suppression has been a major factor for elections for the past 150 years.