How often do people half-swear at work?

I think in general it’s become more acceptable to cuss.

Look, I don’t do it in a presentation to the board, but when Excel crashes, and I’m in the cube zoo, I will say “fucking hell, Excel crashed again, I’m rebooting and getting a coffee”

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So you are angry because someone was rude to you at work and so you immediately come and be extremely rude to someone here. If you hate that type of negative directed behavior so much then don’t perpetuate it yourself.


But, no curse words, so it’s OK.

They were making a joke out of my terrible day. I don’t call it extremely rude to call them out about that, and if they are trying to be funny, I can try to be funny right back.

The person at work who was cursing at me was not doing so because I was making a joke out of them or something that hurt them. It would have made sense if that was the reason, I would have deserved it… but no, they were just frustrated that we were not in agreement.

Ah, no I wasn’t. I’m surprised you still think that. If you make the assumption that someone is being rude to you without checking their intentions, you are in for a stressful career.

You may not have intended to be rude, and may not have realized that someone swearing at me would cause me to have a terrible day. It did seem like you were trying to be funny though.

I admit that sometimes I try to add humor to my posts. I was responding to your initial post about swearing in general. I didn’t read your follow-up post about the workplace bullying/harassment until after I responded. Had I read it, I would not have made light of the subject. My apologies for not reading it first - sometimes I’ll be answering one post while a few other posts come in.

I have been the recipient of unprofessional behavior in the workplace and I know how much it sucks. If I had witnessed your co-workers tirade, I would have been more than happy to give a witness statement to HR. I do hope you can find your way through this situation, either by your co-worker being reminded that it’s not acceptable behavior or you leaving your current company to go to a company where no one would ever dream that it is acceptable behavior (and those companies do exist).


I tell my daughters that “swearing doesn’t make you pretty”

It doesn’t. Watch the persons face, specifically around the mouth, when a swear comes out their face. Not pretty.

What’s a half swear?


How does one half swear with BITCH?