Head scratching moments: when your tribe is obviously just against it because the other tribe is for it

Dash did it!!

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What about open borders? Some on the left are for “open borders”, some aren’t. Where do you guys see yourselves (and “your team”) on that issue.

That’s a good one. I don’t know about literal “open borders” (I think that’s more of a fox news joke) but there was a big swing during the 2020 primaries to appear pro-immigrant. Of course, primaries are whacky by nature.

I lean left, but I cannot recall ever meeting someone that was “open border” . I’d say that’s a pretty fringe thing. Like Saying conservatives are conspiracy enthusiasts. Each tribe has their own fringe. Im more interested in self reflection. We have thread after thread regarding what’s wrong with the other team. Thought this might be different.

My neighbor is pretty far right off center. Perfectly reasonable guy. He is so frustrated by Trumps clumsy trade policies. Just cannot understand how any pro business party could end up being pro tariff.

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I’m far left, not for open borders, but believe we are not doing nearly enough to help migrants. It’s a horribly tricky subject though and I’m not qualified to propose a solution.

Also have never met somebody who’s full-on “open borders”. Probably if I polled all of my friends I’d find a couple.