Have we rounded the corner for the final time?

Caleb Wallace reminds me of a certain poster here. He died today after doing his own research. I am not dancing on his grave, as it’s a sad story.

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18 plus years of social security payments for his family. Otherwise a truly sad story of ignorance gone wild

It is sad. It’s unfortunate that people have undermined experts and made anti-vax a rallying cry and a hill to literally die on. His poor family. I really hope his wife is vaccinated.

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I feel no sympathy for these people. They brought it upon themselves. Fuck them

I am inclined to agree, but I think grace, kindness, patience, and an attempt at understanding is the only way with these people. They won’t change their minds by being called idiots, they will dig in their heels when treated with disdain, and that’s harmful to all of us in the end. What else can we do?

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It has been a year and a half. They arent changing their minds. One less of them because he is dead is a good thing.

Some of them are changing their minds. We don’t know who can be reached if we don’t try.

On one hand I’m inclined to agree. On the other I feel bad that these fools have been misled.



this guy was a “freedom fighter” and going out of his way to spread misinformation about COVID. He didn’t need kindness.

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Do you feel bad for those who were convinced to drink the Kool Aid at Jamestown?
I do,

But someone fed him that crap. He might have reaped what he sewed but his kids got screwed


not sure what that is.

okay, i can feel some sympathy for the kids. not really for the wife since she’s an adult, and probably thinks like he does. these people tend to be super arrogant and unlikeable about their beliefs too.

Yes, but he also served the Kool aid.

Truly stupid is when you see the guy drop dead after his drink, and you still guzzle yours down

Maybe, some of the trump moronic minions will believe what they see, rather than the cultist bs for once

They were led down the wrong path.

We can only hope some finally see the light

Hopefully something good comes out of it to not make it a complete waste.

I agree that it’s hard to have compassion for people like this but it also makes it hard to go forward if you can’t scrape up some. I’ve been practicing lots of reframing.

Empathy is powerful.

I’ve clashed with these people on facebook. I don’t like them.