Funny and SFW

Maybe, I almost put it in political. It hits so many angles.

The Ohio State shirt :joy:

It’s in there somewhere, the cosplay is basically ‘a town in Ohio on July 4.’ Honestly, you could show me a lot of these photos and tell me they were taken within five miles of me in Kansas, and I couldn’t tell they weren’t.

The ‘God Bless aMErica’ sign was pretty solid, imo.


I like how they got Scarlett Johannsen to play along (pink skirt, white shirt).

my beef is that their picnic tables are waaaay too small. and overall needs more Freedom Fries.

I did not catch the Ohio thing. If so it’s even funnier because the guy holding the Ohio State shirt is like IDK if this is something someone from Ohio would wear. Clearly no context for him for the shirt and what it means to Ohioans.

Anyway they basically crushed their assignment. My son has a classmate who went to England this summer and found a University Of Louisville sweater in a thrift shop over there. She thought that was ironic. I guess some of our stuff ends up over there.

The girl wearing a bikini bottom over white shorts is… I don’t see Americans doing that. But a lot of them were good. The only way you can really tell on a lot of the pictures is the absence of obese people.

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I think it’s a fanny pack

Oh, I thought it went between her legs. Maybe not… I don’t feel like scrolling through again.

Can confirm.

I’ve, for the good of the community, gone back through the pictures, and, yes, it is a fanny pack.


No fireworks is biggest miss of 4th of July.

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So much religion in politics these days. Maybe this is political humor?


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Made me think of this. Though a bit off topic.

Was at a funeral for a relative of my wife’s. In the eulogy given by her son he is talking about how bad a driver she was.

She was driving in the left lane when she realized she was going to miss the exit. Without a signal or hesitation she cuts across three lanes of traffic and makes the exit.

Driving up the ramp they can hear the screech of brakes and obvious sounds of cars making contact.

She turns to him and says, “wow, I’m glad I didn’t get caught behind that”