Funny and SFW


What cracks me up is that IIRC, Mythbusters (and/or the local news) busted this myth.

I was like really? People really believed that things that fell on the floor and were picked up within 5 seconds couldn’t have been contaminated by whatever was on that floor/ground?

My assumption was that I had, during my early childhood, eaten enough dirt that I had decent immunity to most of the germs present on the ground. That is why I was only somewhat at risk of getting sick from picking something up off the floor and dusting it off and eating it. And as long as it didn’t have visible contaminants/dirt/hair I was was usually OK regardless of the time period on the floor.

Of course, I did suck off the pacifier a few times for my kids. I remember not very long ago, my granddaughter dropped her pacifier in a place where we didn’t have a place to wash it off and my daughter was beside herself what she was going to do. I said just stick it in your mouth and clean it off. She was mortified. I said, we used to do it all the time with you kids. She did it but I don’t think she liked it.

lol, I did it out of necessity, not because I liked it. It usually didn’t bother me too much though.

I recall Mythbusters busting it.


Ew, ew, ew… just stop!!!

I’m dying.






There should have been four or five of each of those items in the painting…

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I don’t get it.


Think of the theme song from Frasier.

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Maybe I’m glad the kid refused a pacifier although we tried during many sleepless nights and crying fits.

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Spent 5 minutes listening to that song trying to figure out how those chairs fit in.

After all that I looked at the words.

It was wonderful that we didn’t have to wean them off of the thing, but there were those times, when they were otherwise inconsolable, where it would’ve been nice if they would’ve taken it.

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Our two daughters were so different. The first really liked pacifiers. The second as I recall only tolerated one about 4 times, with only one occasion for more than a minute.


all in all hated Pacifiers, but easier to ween than a thumb

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What I hated even worse was the stupid nicknames they had. In my family growing up, it was referred to as a “toochy” :exams:

binkie - but I think it was the brand name

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My oldest wouldn’t take a bottle, pacifier, etc. at all and sucks her thumb, as does the second oldest. My third doesn’t suck his thumb but has a pacifier. The fourth does neither so far, although he’s just 5 months old (exactly, as of today).

I think that was the brand. My siblings had binkies, although one preferred her thumb. I probably had one (can’t remember any pictures with one off the top of my head), I don’t remember what it was called. We didn’t use them for our kids.