Fall 2020 Exam 7 Sitting

No one’s stopping you.

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Again, I am not saying this falls to volunteers. There are actual people involved in crafting the CAS communications.

Communication does not need to involve actuaries. Just someone good at messaging.

For example, instead of saying January 25th is when 6c will be released. They could have said our expectation is that exams 5/6 will be possibly be released on Thursday/Friday and the upper levels will be released into the next week and we are still confirming the timelines.

Instead of saying you will find out the day before…

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At this point I think it’s optimistic to think 5/6 are being released this week.

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Yes I agree. but you would find out the day before so you don’t know!!

My point being is they could have been clearer on that communication.


13 posts were merged into an existing topic: CAS Exam Philosophy Discussion

Vorian, why you do this to us. :sob: We just want our 1000.


We’re still on pace to clear 900 today easily, even with the removals.

I got a call from an out of town number. Maybe just maybe that was the CAS

Why would they call you? To tell you to stop calling?

Stay on topic. Post padding is just unacceptable!

We’re getting close to 2 eastern aka the hot zone

You don’t have to go back that many years to find a time when the CAS releases exams “as soon as possible” and didn’t publish expected release dates.

This is a completely new process, with new uncertainties, taking place at a new time of year that wasn’t the time people volunteered for. I don’t think it’s that remarkable that they haven’t given you a date. I’m sure they COULD give a date, but then when they beat the date (and it’s likely they will beat the date they are certain they will hit) they’d hold the results for a few days to meet their promise. The results are already quite late in the cycle, and i believe the goal is ASAP.

It’s extremely material because quite a lot of the activities can’t begin until all the papers are graded.

Step 1, grade every paper twice (once each by two graders), was completed shortly after the last exam was given. But then they pick a preliminary passmark and a regrade band, and then they need to give graders time for the regrade (previously scheduled and in Vegas, but remote this year, and probably just “do it ASAP”). Then there is a bunch of analysis and meetings and such. Held among people who have other priorities and didn’t have a ton of time to schedule those meetings.

Yes, they charge much higher dues. And higher exam fees. And higher costs for syllabus material. And a lot more of their exam adminstration is done by employees rather than by volunteers. And they are a much larger group that has more resources even without charging more.

The SOA did do exactly that in 2020, actually. Spring FSA exams were postponed to mid-July. Results came out mid-September, with fall exams at the end of October.

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Thanks Lucy for all the information.

Uh Oh VA is at it again moving posts.

We might get an update today at 2 from the cas

We might not as well.

50% probability

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Why such a high probability?

Either happens or not… something like that. It’s been a while since P