Cross Search

I decided to go out with a non-scheduled release of the app as some of the suggestions coming out of this discussion were not too hard to implement. I added the number of hints available to the game screen and added a walk through for first time users. I also made it where there could be no more than 4 words going the same direction. Still thinking about how to get more overlapping words. Although what I have found with some of my other games is that not everyone is as smart as an actuary and I do need to make it not so difficult. I am looking to add a stats page in the next version along with an option to reveal a letter in the answer as opposed to on the grid. Thanks for all the ideas. Please let me know if you have any more. Also thanks for those who rated the app and left a review. Those really help.

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Question: I added a bunny as a graphic in the walk through and a dog saying good job at the end. If I added other animals that popped their head out from the side for a split second saying little sayings like way to go once or twice during the game after you have found a word, would you find that cute or annoying?

The one good things about this app doing well is that my Phrazed & Confused app which basically died out has made a come back! That one is like a Rubik’s cube that reveals a quote or saying.


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