Critical Race Theory

That’s why federalism is great. Let AL do creationism and we can do not creationism. Rather than having to do some kind of theocratic compromise

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And why should we leave those AL children behind?

I’d love to not leave them behind, but the choices are:

  1. NJ kids and AL kids get some creationism compromise
  2. NJ kids don’t compromise with theologians and AL kids get what AL residents want

I’ll take #2 everyday on almost every issue

OK, change what AL kids get taught with “incorrect/misleading history about the Civil War.”

And, we’re back to the problems noted in Critical Race Theory. And, on topic.

:laughing: good reversion to the thread topic

I think I’d still take #2, I’m really onboard with that pre-WW1 mentality of let’s let each state decide its own thing on as many issues as possible

Pretty much The Handmaid’s Tale

not that I read the books. but it’s the feels

Well, we’re trying to find ways to stop or reverse racist ideology. Letting The South choose their public school curriculum, for the past 150 years, has not been beneficial to the country.
Also note: I’m not in favor of Choice #1, either.

to quote the godfather, “our ships must all sail in the same direction”

I think opening curriculums up to a national level would just be a huge bag of worms and honestly if we can enforce equal protection under the law (which is a key exception to each state does its own thing) then I think we’ll be OK. Would agree with federal level subsidy of lower socioeconomic groups, although I must say that becomes frustrating when it’s all going to certain states.

if this country wants to remain the “united” states, a good thorough brainwashing is in order

ship has sailed imo

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let’s just have a civil war and get done with it

Agreed. This is actually the biggest issue. While the law might be colorblind, even in the most basic of laws (jay-walking), the fact that I (older white guy) don’t get pulled over for some minor offenses, or when I do, my car is not EVER searched, the laws are not enforced equally.
And the reason is that some people were brought up as racists, by racists.

Oh, and The GoA Nanny says I can’t reply to you anymore. Told me that we should get a room (paraphrased).

I think you need to be fair and acknowledge that forcing first graders to line up in order of their privilege is not the optimal way to improve race relations in this country or educate anyone about the concept of privilege or… really accomplish anything.

There seems to be a disconnect between the theory of CRT and the practice of how it’s actually taught and it’s important to acknowledge that… as the author of the Tangle article did.

I think you should be fine now that I added a post. :+1:t2:

Does it actually stop you or just put up an annoying message?

However, posting 5 (?) messages in a row will throw a hard stop. You have to edit prior messages instead. That is what’s stopping me from providing the much-needed ST:TNG episode reviews. (That, and, well, I don’t want to rewatch the first season. So much confusion behind the scenes about which characters to focus on. I mean, you have Shakespearean actor Picard, you have “Stand by Me”'s Wesley Crusha, the overbearing Crosby descendant, just how short do those skirts need to be to keep the ratings up, how much implied sex can we get away with for TV-PG…)

:laughing: she can’t tell me how to live my life

But then what’s your suggestion? To make non-racist education a federal issue? I think that’s quite challenging to do without making all education a federal issue.

This isn’t an implementation that you have seen.