Especially there, but I would say that FCAS might have less meaning than a masters if you’re outside of the actuarial department . . . and the further away from “rating” you get, the less meaning it’ll have.

That’s not to say that it’ll have zero meaning, but in those contexts, they’re going to “understand” what a masters will mean far more than FCAS.

At least, that’s been my observations.

Learned my company will cover registration and materials so tempted to learn a bit more about what would actually be involved in completing CPCU. Had a look at the supposedly hardest exam and it doesn’t look very hard for someone who has passed prelims.

But jeez do they make it hard to figure out what being FCAS gets you out of having to take…

Found this site: https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/2449883/Academic-Credit-Request-Form.pdf

Of the 7 main courses plus elective and ethics that link’s waiver appears to show you only can waive the elective with FCAS (although notes if you’ve used FCAS to waive 540 then you can’t waive the elective, but no apparent mention about this waiving of 540 using FCAS beyond its mention in this limitation).

Although it does also mention OC1 and OC2 get you out of the first two main CPCU courses… so possibly able to waive the 1st, 2nd and 4th out of the 7 main , 1 elective and ethics exams/courses.

If you have your flmi, then for $50 you can obtain the prestigious CFSB credentials.

Space lobster, bmath, flmi, cfsb

Haha. Ego inflation for the low, low price of $50.

I considered getting a CFA for a while but didn’t care enough, it was unlikely to advance my career and if I wanted letter salad I’d just get more AINS/API/ARM type designations.