Continuous Glucose graphs

lol @ “It’s a blur”

@Woodrow: you know that most yogurts have quite a bit of (added) sugar in them. Almost to the point that they might be viewed as “healthy junk” . . .

I’ve committed to reducing sugar intake–first by cutting out anything that has high-fructose corn syrup* and pretty much any sugar treats**.

.* Netflix has a documentary series that actually has some useful information on the background for HFCS.

.** Still going to do a monthly trip to a nearby creamery that makes their own ice cream with some very interesting flavors; like PBJ.

Yes, but not at night, IMO. Mid-day instead of a lunch.
And, not PBJ ice cream. Some type of chocolate or fudge or GTFO. B-R has a good flavor of the month, as was last month’s. Last time I went, I had a scoop of each.
Also, on 8/31, you get 31% off your purchase. The More You Know.

I have no idea how to quote people on this new (not new) platform

Poly: Thanks for those first 2 paragraphs, I’d heard info like that, but never phrased in that way.
My wife is a PhD in pharmacology, I’ll ask her about Thioctic acid, I’ve never heard of it.

You are right that I’m on the low end of Type 2. The bad news is that I act like I’m on the low end of Type 2, I have gone for “good enough” instead of kicking its butt.

knoath: what am I trying to minimize? If I asked my doctor he would say all of it. That’s why more doctors should have math degrees.
I’m looking at the area under the curve, because if I don’t look at that then all those years of calculus were wasted. That is also forgiving if I eat fruit - generally healthy - and it spikes high and then falls back down equally quickly.

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I’ve let this slip but I’m getting back on the wagon.
The last three days, Wednesday was horrible, 4 hours of driving and making bad food choices on the road, but the next couple days are my best in a while.

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I wonder if the big spike was just the chips or that combined with a delayed effect from the McDonalds and brownies.