
Puzzle #582

With spouse help, but would likely have succeed on my own with one additional strike

Puzzle #582

Connections: Sports Edition
Puzzle #112

Puzzle #583

Puzzle #583

Connections: Sports Edition
Puzzle #113

Puzzle #583

Didn’t love green but getting purple sealed it for me.

Puzzle #583
P+ci was on swank/flash until i saw b, tried it, then saw p.
Connections: Sports Edition
Puzzle #113

Puzzle #583

Reverse for me too, though didn’t know that body was a camera term

Connections: Sports Edition
Puzzle #113

Yellow should have had “dip and dive” to add to “duck and dodge” in memory of Patches O’Houlihan. No idea about F1 teams but the other 8 words were clearly pro sports teams. At this point I figured out the blue them and got purple on reveal.

Puzzle #583

Connections: Sports Edition
Puzzle #113

the five Ds had been a group before. Good callback

Puzzle #583

Groupings by me. Even spouse couldn’t add purple connection before reveal

Puzzle #583

Puzzle #584

Connections: Sports Edition
Puzzle #114

Puzzle #584

Puzzle #584

Puzzle #584

Took a while at the end, as I had 5 Mr. ____ answers and was having trouble with the 4th blue.

Puzzle #584
P+cjumped the gun on p. Saw 5 but thought first guess was best w/o getting the rest worked out.
Connections: Sports Edition
Puzzle #114

couldn’t get bosh out of chris, nor tie with game, no idea who godwin pronger and milicic are

Puzzle #584

Connections: Sports Edition
Puzzle #114

Got them in colour order, struggled with B/P but finally got it on the last guess Not much of a martini guy (except for the cosmos that my gf likes), never heard of Mr. Robot so didn’t get P till reveal. Maybe if they had Fusion in there I would have gotten it

Connections: Sports Edition
Puzzle #114


I knew what P was, [spoiler]
just not sure which of the Chris’s they were looking for and wondering if there was a Chris Anthony/James. As for B I just guessed that there was a Miami Heats thing going at the end and hoping that Darko/Anthony were on the team at some point. In response to SG:

Chris Godwin: WR on Tampa Bay who suffered a brutal injury earlier this season. Wonder if they would have beaten the Commodores if he had been healthy

Chris Frogger: Retired NHL player/goon, suspended 8 times in his career

Darko Milicic: Serbian player drafted by the Detroit Pistons, only one among those draft picks mentioned that was a bust.

Puzzle #584

First 2 by me. Then no idea from me or wife. A lucky guess got 3, then another lucky guess fixed it. No idea about blue or purple connection before reveal.