Clean up after the dog?

not a lot of actuaries from the sticks to understand this one I guess.

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I’ve been in a house when pig manure was being spread on the adjacent fields. Yeah…pig poop is pretty nasty. Worse than dog poop, which is a lot worse than cow poop.

But the major reason no one fertilizes with dog doo is that there aren’t enormous herds of dogs producing industrial quantities of poop that is easy to package and sell. I’m sure it could be composted and amended with lime or something if the only issue were pH.

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I could live 5 more lifetimes without ever having to touch on this concept again.

and pig is the closest to human imo, making it the worst smell to deal with. I recall the few years I lived in the burbs. My first thought was ‘hey the air here doesnt smell like poop all the time’

Cameras are everywhere. At some point there is going to be a video of you not picking up your dogs poop and you will be publicly shamed on FB or ND apps.

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