ChatGPT Chatbot

How could I not have produced a summary?

The article discusses how ChatGPT, released a year ago, has had a significant impact. It highlights the varied reactions, from public fascination to concerns about AI taking over. The piece covers ChatGPT’s evolution from a tech demo to a widely used tool, detailing its limitations and upgrades. The timeline includes events related to ChatGPT’s release and its effects on OpenAI, governments, legal systems, and competitors. The article also invites readers to share their experiences with ChatGPT, recognizing its ongoing impact on various aspects of life.

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Michael Cohen’s lawyers apparently using GPT to prepare a legal brief. It fabricates three citations of court cases that don’t exist or aren’t relevant. Amateur hour.


Combine an LLM (Google’s DeepMind, not ChatGPT) with a brilliant mathematician (Jordan Ellenberg) and you get novel mathematical results on a significant open problem.


From bing chat:


Me: “I wish, I wish, with all my heart, to fly with dragons in a land apart.” “I wish, I wish, to use this rhyme, to go back home until next time.”

ChatGPT: Your rhymes echo a magical longing for adventure and home. May your wishes take flight on the wings of imagination.

Me: Those lines came from the TV show Dragon Tales.

ChatGPT: Ah, Dragon Tales, a delightful show filled with whimsy and friendship. Those lines capture the essence of its enchanting world.


I put this in and got back:

These quotes are from the children’s animated television series “Dragon Tales.” The first quote is used by the main characters to travel to the land of the dragons, and the second is used to return home. It’s a memorable part of the show for many who grew up watching it!

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My phone is asking me if I want to “allow live activities from ChatGPT “

Well? Do I? :tfh:

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Oh! That has to do with voice chat. I accidentally hit that button earlier.

Hawt phone chat, you say??? And you hit it, so to speak???


I’m sure that ###'s response was “when you gonna let me tap dat?”

I signed up for this:

You can too.

If you weren’t already an established member of this community, this post would be raising all kinds of red flags.



Wait for it…

I just asked chatgpt if something I was doing in excel should be coded differently or if it was perfectly cromulent.

ChatGPT responded that what I was doing is a “perfectly valid Excel usage.”

I’m so disappointed.


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I was gonna but I decided (wrongly) against it.

Here’s link to the video:

It’s about an hour long.

I wish there were a way that I could summarize the key points of the video.

Fascinating review on the new Open AI Pin.

Free gift link.


We are not close to Star Trek level comm badges just yet.

The AI gets a lot wrong (still).

This Artificially Intelligent Pin Wants to Free You From Your Phone


I’m of the opinion that chatgpt is mostly absurd. But yesterday I asked it to find some names for a software package we are delivering, and…not bad. At least not horrible.

I use it extensively to help me write SQL & VBA for Excel code. It makes me look like a genius.

…but, yes, you’re right, the output from chatgpt can sometimes be a hot mess.

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