CAS election spam

You need express permission to do b2c emails. Whether cas is b2c, I dunno the spam law definition of b2c to be able to suggest this contravenes the law or not. But if it’s business, you absolutely cannot send them emails without permission.

I mean there ways to kind of bend that, but that’s not what this guy did.

B2b, which maybe this is, that’s fair game. Your email is published in a professional directory, that kind of seems like permission.

Smart money either offers people some incentive to get their email. Or, you DM them on linked with something like ‘connect with me so I can send you this valuable info’. Theres your permission.

My work email is not in the country where I physically live and work, which complicates the legality aspect…but that’s an extraneous point.

A few years ago, I thought that the US laws on the subject were too permissive. These days, however, I accept that email is a lost cause, and I haven’t kept up with the state of the law.

At least upstream filtering has improved significantly from the days when I would receive 40k spam messages a day into my oldest (30ish years) email address.

Can’t tell if hyperbole or serious.

Serious; I think my peak days were actually worse than that, but I didn’t want to exaggerate.

The first spammers built their mailing lists off of addresses harvested from USENET archives, and I was very active on USENET in the late 80’s/early 90’s (before there was spam), so I was on all the spammers’ lists.

Then, on top of that…most folks these days don’t realize just how much spam-filtering occurs up at the ISP level, via mechanisms like block lists, before delivery to your inbox is even attempted. Before these mechanisms were developed and implemented…, well, I was able to provide a friend of mine a lot of training data to get one of those block list systems off the ground.


I used to get hundreds of spam emails every day, so I’m very aware of it.

Also, some ISPs take a broad brush and I’ve had all my emails from Europe rejected (ISP decided everything outside the US was spam without telling me) and I’ve also had some places reject emails from my personal domain (which is a .us address) due to simplistic spam-avoiding rules. I got a couple bucks from a class action suit for the first, and when i learn about the second, so far it’s always been a group small enough that i can get them to whitelist me. But yeah, very very aware of back-end filtering.

Yeah, me too. I used to host our own email and didn’t have any spam filtering. It was a pita, my email just pinged 24/7. Switched to gmail a few years ago and now I get like 2-5 per day.

I’ve had problems, like I redirect one email address through to gmail, gmail decides it’s spam coming from my server and blacklists my server. But the problems are minor compared to the amount of spam that gets filtered (and being able to access my email from any device, anywhere).

From a friend:

"I got that e-mail, saw the name of the website, and thought ‘nope, I have no interest in what you have to say’ and deleted it and blocked it for spam.

I would have voted no, for no other reason than the CAS wants me to vote yes. I am actually more concerned that they [the CAS] think in order to fight against the data scientists who will replace actuaries, they need to [paraphrasing] “increase diversity” and get more people into the profession. Yes, we absolutely should have more diversity, but you don’t do that by fake posturing - you actually help underrepresented kids get better at math!

insert millionth rant here

So, yeah, I think their [the angry few] proposals are stupid. But then again, my website would be “ihatethecas”, so I’m coming at it from a different angle.



Anyone else get the email today? They kindly provided all the emails for the board and suggested that you contact them. I think the list they provide is not 100% accurate (missing a name or two).

I (SOA side) didn’t. Who sent it, and why do they suggest recipients contact the CAS Board? Spectators curious. :popcorn:

Folks at sent it. They have issues with the DEI initiatives that CAS is doing.

Yup. I assume everyone whose email they initially scraped and who hasn’t opted out got it.

I’m kinda curious about the results of that survey. Anyone know where the CAS put the data they say they analyzed?

And I don’t remember anything about the survey saying that names would be attached to comments. I answered to “the CAS”, not to “the public”.

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It would be mucho awkward if that email showed up during a screen share

I mostly share my screen with other actuaries, who probably all got it. So it wouldn’t be a problem. Except that it might distract us into all grumbling for a bit.

That’s because their response is to spread anger and hate and makes them irrational. By contrast There’s posters on this site who have controversial opinions who express themselves inclusively without the anger and hate. That makes people who disagree with them think ‘someone smart is saying something, I should listen and evaluate’.

I didn’t get the email. I don’t recall opting out of the distribution (I just set up an Outlook rule to send their messages to the circular file).

I don’t know whether to be relieved or disappointed that I was left out.

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ugh those guys are back, I thought I already blocked them before

Go ‘way, workin’

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Yeah, I never subscribed to their list and requested to unsubscribe and the slimeballs still spammed me again.

They’re still mad that every one of them lost their election.

Next up is storming the CAS Main office.

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