Unclear on concept: witness protection program
The Mister Ed Spider-Man crossover episode was disappointing.
Artist’s interpretation of browsing the web on slow dial-up.
You bot-ched my order
Do I need to leave a tip?
Depends if you want to test kill-bot mode or not.
Just don’t tip too much or she’ll never be able to get back up
These are not the orders we’re looking for
“Rosie!! It so good to see you, again. And I see you’ve lost some weight!!”
Looking to see advances in robotics? Wait for it…
I don’t think that 100 tampons is going to be enough . . .
Tomato, tomahto, let’s call the whole thing off
Such a saucy group of people
bloody hell
Damn Google I said Sausalito, not Salsalito!
Result of driving through the Tomatina Festival.
Roz from Monsters, Inc going to a Cars-themed party during the Tomatina Festival . . .